Hasil Pencarian untuk "PAN"
Displaying 361 to 370 (of 421 books)
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| 361. | 
| | oleh Ana Cristina Canizares *** Out of Print *** San Francisco has long been one of America's landmark cities, a gleaming jewel of the West Coast surrounded on three sides by water, well known for its hilly streets, Victorian residences, and a free spiritness that made it the home of the Beat Generation, flower power, and gay pride. But over ... [selengkapnya]
| 362. | 
| | *** Out of Print *** Sport Design presents the newest models and prototypes of well-known designers in the world of sports. Generously illustrated with over 400 color photographs that focus exclusively on the products themselves, the book features sports equipment organized by sports corresponding to each of the four ... [selengkapnya]
| 363. | 
| | oleh Cynthia Reschke *** Out of Print *** For all the popularity of e-commerce, store windows are still the most effective way of selling new product to consumers. Window displays connect the reality of the street to the fantasy of the shop and also have a huge influence on the distribution of space within the store itself. This copiously ... [selengkapnya]
| 364. | 
| | oleh Alejandro Bahamon *** Out of Print *** In recent years, Sydney has undergone a breathtaking expansion that has transformed it into one of the most prosperous and diverse cities in the world. The contrast between its huge skyscrapers and peaceful natural parks, to some extent legacies of Australia's European heritage and its Aboriginal ... [selengkapnya]
| 365. | 
| | oleh Aurora Cuito *** Out of Print *** Tadao Ando (*1941, Osaka/Japan) did not receive any formal architectural schooling. Ando rejects the rampant consumerism visible within much of today's architecture. In opposition to traditional Japanese architecture, he creates spaces of enclosure rather than openness. He uses walls to establish a ... [selengkapnya]
| 366. | 
| | *** Out of Print *** Whether one lives in a house in the country or an apartment in town, terraces are a treasured amenity, extending living spaces to the outdoors while allowing nature inside. This lavishly illustrated fantasy book highlights twenty spectacular terraces of every varietyrooftop terraces, garden ... [selengkapnya]
| 367. | 
| | oleh Martin Nicholas Kunz *** Out of Print *** It is safe to say that the twenty first century arrived first in Tokyo in the shape of its ultra-modern architecture. During the last few years, innovation and creativity remain the hallmarks of its built environment. This indispensable little guide highlights several of Tokyo's most interesting ... [selengkapnya]
| 368. | 
| | oleh Kyoko Asakura, Nasple *** Out of Print *** Simplicity isn't just a matter of taste in Japanit's a part of the culture. But within that aesthetic there's a lot of room for diversity. This photographic sampling of some of Tokyo's most exciting and beautiful apartments displays that diversity in surprising and innovative ways. The ... [selengkapnya]
| 369. | 
| | oleh Haike Falkenberg *** Out of Print *** Lavishly illustrated with over 400 color photographs of houses in tropical regions that span the globe, this introduction to various residential styles and modes of construction highlights the work of both prominent and emerging architects. In Central and South America, the Caribbean, Africa, Asia, ... [selengkapnya]
| 370. | 
| | *** Out of Print *** This is an indispensable reference for the design of a room unlike any other. The bathroom is no longer given over solely to personal hygiene. It has become a refuge for those seeking purification, warmth, and respite and, as such, is designed to integrate functionality with beauty and relaxation. ... [selengkapnya]
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Dapatkan tanda tangan dari pengarang Moemoe Rizal. Persediaan terbatas!!!
One-two-three-four, we're the best cheers on the floor!
Five-six-seven-eight, we're the pretties, ready to ...
