Hasil Pencarian untuk "Stephen S"
Displaying 311 to 320 (of 356 books)
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| 311. |
| | oleh Stephen R. Covey *** Out of Print *** Learn to do what you love and love what you do with The 8th Habit, the long awaited follow up to Stephen R. Covey's #1 best-selling The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Covey believes there is a great yearning, in both individuals and organizations, to discover their true "voice," to matter, to ... [selengkapnya]
| 312. |
| | oleh Stephen R. Covey *** Out of Print *** Puluhan juta manusia di seluruh dunia telah mendapat wawasan yang cemerlang dari Stephen R. Covey dengan bukunya, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Baik secara pribadi maupun profesional, banyak sekali orang yang belajar menjadi manusia efektif dengan melakukan 7 kebiasaan itu.
Dunia ... [selengkapnya]
| 313. |
| | Cetak Ulang Cover Baru oleh Stephen R. Covey *** Out of Print *** Kisah Sukses Sekolah dan Pendidik Menggali Potensi Terbesar Setiap Anak
Dunia memasuki era perubahan yang paling besar dan menantang dalam sejarah manusia. Sebagian besar anak kita tidak siap, dan kita tahu itu. Orangtua tahu anak-anak mereka harus menjadi lebih bertanggung ... [selengkapnya]
| 314. |
| | Kisah Sukses Sekolah dan Pendidik Menggali Potensi Terbesar Setiap Anak oleh Stephen R. Covey *** Out of Print *** Dunia memasuki era perubahan yang paling besar dan menantang dalam sejarah manusia. Sebagian besar anak kita tidak siap, dan kita tahui itu. Orangtua tahu anak-anak mereka harus menjadi lebih bertanggung jawab, kreatif, dan menoleransi perbedaan. Mereka harus meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir untuk ... [selengkapnya]
| 315. |
| | oleh Stephen Robbins, Timothy Judge *** Out of Print *** For undergraduate and graduate courses in Organizational Behavior. Captivate the class with a clear writing style, cutting-edge content, and compelling pedagogy. This Global Edition has been edited to include enhancements making it more relevant to students outside the United States. The editorial ... [selengkapnya]
| 316. |
| | oleh Stephen S *** Out of Print *** [selengkapnya]
| 317. |
| | oleh Stephen Singular *** Out of Print *** Behind a faade of Midwestern normalcy, Dennis Rader hid a life of bloodlust, sadism, and murder beyond imagining.The upstanding family man, Scout leader, and church board president was well liked and trusted by his Wichita community. Kansans -- and all of America -- would never recover ... [selengkapnya]
| 318. |
| | oleh Stephen Skinner *** Out of Print *** This book taps into two powerful trends in American culture: a national passion for home dcor and remodeling, and a growing interest in the ancient Chinese art of feng shui. In Feng Shui Before & After Stephen Skinner has written a comprehensive, practical, hands-on guide to using feng shui ... [selengkapnya]
| 319. |
| | oleh Stephen Skinner *** Out of Print *** In this book, designer Stephen Skinner discusses various common themes of feng shui- such as water, alignments, mountains, and wind,-and demonstrates these concepts in 26 houses, restaurants and galleries in London, Hong Kong and Malaysia. The selection is highly varied, and includes famous ... [selengkapnya]
| 320. |
| | oleh Stephen Skinner *** Out of Print *** The ancient Chinese art of Feng Shui stresses the importance of living in harmony with nature. Many Chinese believe that the earth has channels of energy and that buildings, towns, and rooms should be designed and constructed so as not to obstruct these channels. The Living Earth Manual of ... [selengkapnya]
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1 Jam Membuat Boneka Mungil dari Kain Felt
Kain felt adalah sejenis flanel yang lebih tebal dan kaku. Kain yang berwarna-warni ini sangat cocok untuk dibuat berbagai jenis kerajinan tangan. Salah satu kreasi itu adalah membuat aneka boneka ...