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Hasil Pencarian untuk "Pearson"
Displaying 301 to 310 (of 362 books)

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oleh Brian N. Baird Ph.D.
*** Out of Print ***


oleh Leigh L. Thompson
*** Out of Print ***
For undergraduate and graduate-level business courses that cover the skills of negotiation. This text provides an integrated view of what to do and what to avoid at the bargaining table, facilitated by an integration of theory, scientific research, and practical examples.  [selengkapnya]


oleh Richard Templar
*** Out of Print ***
"This is a definitive code for personal business success� Key points, concisely made, that can steer anyone through the minefield of office life."  [selengkapnya]


oleh Wayne M. Becker, Lewis J. Kleinsmith, Jeff Hardin, Gregory Paul Bertoni
*** Out of Print ***


oleh Christie John Geankoplis
*** Out of Print ***
Appropriate for one-year transport phenomena (also called transport processes) and separation processes course. First semester covers fluid mechanics, heat and mass transfer; second semester covers separation process principles (includes unit operations). The title of this Fourth Edition has been ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh James H. McMillan, Jon F. Wergin
*** Out of Print ***


oleh Jean A. Gillet, Charles A. Temple, Codruta N. Temple, Alan N. Crawford
*** Out of Print ***


ECONOMICS 13ED - 2008-00-00
*** Out of Print ***


oleh William Stallings
*** Out of Print ***
Four-time winner of the best Computer Science and Engineering textbook of the year award from the Textbook and Academic Authors Association, Computer Organization and Architecture: Designing for Performance provides a thorough discussion of the fundamentals of computer organization and ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Tom Tietenberg
*** Out of Print ***
Environmental and Natural Resource Economics takes a policy-oriented approach, introducing economic theory in the context of debates and empirical work from the field. Readers will gain a global perspective of both environmental and natural resource economics.  [selengkapnya]

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Raksasa dari Jogja
Bianca tidak kenal cinta. Satu hal yang ia pelajari dari kedua orang tuanya adalah bahwa cinta itu omong kosong. Buktinya, mereka berdua hidup dalam relasi yang penuh kekerasan. Apa itu yang namanya ...   
