Hasil Pencarian untuk "Sherrilyn Kenyon"
Displaying 11 to 16 (of 16 books)
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| 11. | 
| | Akhir Penantian oleh Sherrilyn Kenyon
Rp 55.000 Rp 35.750
Ias adalah salah satu Dark-Hunter pertama yang diciptakan. Setelah dikhianati oleh wanita yang ia pikir mencintainya, Ias diselamatkan oleh Acheron dan menjadi Alexion—sang Hakim, Juri, dan Algojo bagi para Dark-Hunter. Kini, Alexion ditugaskan untuk ... [selengkapnya]
| 12. | 
| | oleh Sherrilyn Kenyon *** Out of Print *** BAD agent Sydney Westbrook must find the perfect assassin for a risky counter-terrorism mission. J.D. Steele, a military sniper whose attitude problem landed him in prison, seems a good candidate. But as they're dragged into a secret world of freelance killers, Sydney begins to discover the man of ... [selengkapnya]
| 13. | 
| | oleh Sherrilyn Kenyon *** Out of Print *** Susan Michaels was the hottest reporter on the Beltway Beat until she walked into a setup that ruined her reputation. Now she's working for a small Seattle paper, penning stories about killer moths and alien babies, convinced that her life couldn't get any worse... That was before an idea for a ... [selengkapnya]
| 14. | 
| | oleh Sherrilyn Kenyon *** Out of Print *** In the realm of the Dark-Hunters there is a code of honor that even immortal bad boys must follow:Harm no human. Drink no blood. Never fall in love. But every now and again a Dark-Hunter thinks himself above the Code. That's when I'm summoned. Who am I? I'm the one thing the fearless fear. Step ... [selengkapnya]
| 15. | 
| | oleh Sherrilyn Kenyon *** Out of Print *** It's a predator eat predator world for the Were-Hunters. Danger haunts any given day. There is no one to trust. No one to love. Not if they want to live...An orphan with no clan that will claim him, Wren Tigarian grew to adulthood under the close scrutiny and mistrust of those around him. A ... [selengkapnya]
| 16. | 
| | oleh Sherrilyn Kenyon *** Out of Print *** Sebagai tigard—makhluk campuran antara harimau putih dan macan tutul salju—Wren Tigarian selalu hidup terasing. Ia dibenci orangtuanya dan tidak diakui klan mana pun karena kecacatannya itu. Dengan sikap antisosial dan ketidakmampuannya dalam mengendalikan ... [selengkapnya]
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Trilogi Taj Mahal #1: Mehrunnisa The Twentieth Wife
Pemenang Washington State Book Award
Jauh sebelum monumen cinta Taj Mahal dibangun, di negeri Hindustan, telah terlukis kisah cinta abadi. Adalah Mehrunnisa, gadis Persia bermata biru memukau, ...
