Hasil Pencarian untuk "Mosby"
Displaying 11 to 20 (of 417 books)
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| 11. | 
| | oleh John L. Cameron MD FACS FRCS(Eng) (hon) FRCS(Ed) (hon) FRCSI(hon)
Rp 2.069.100 Rp 1.862.190 Topics: The Current Treatment of Achalasia; The Current Surgical Management of Portal Hypertension; The Effective of Bariatric Surgery on Long Term Mortality; Volume and Outcome Results for Bariatric Surgery; The Differentiation of Benign and Malignant Thyroid Nodules; VATS Resection of Peripheral ... [selengkapnya]
| 12. | 
| | oleh Jane C. Rothrock PhD RN CNOR FAAN, Sherri Alexander CST
Rp 1.362.900 Rp 1.226.610
Developed specifically for surgical technologists, Alexander's Surgical Procedures provides proven, step-by-step coverage of essential surgical procedures from one of the most trusted sources in surgical technology. Building on the renowned content of Alexander's Care of the Surgical ... [selengkapnya]
| 13. | 
| | oleh Stephen T. Holgate MD DSc FRCP FRCPE MRC, Martin K. Church MPharm PhD DSc FAAAAI, Fernando D Martinez MD, Lawrence M. Lichtenstein MD PhD
Rp 2.211.000 Rp 1.989.900
Highly Commended at 2012 BMA awards in Medicine Category. This comprehensive, clinically oriented full-color resource offers you a wealth of detailed information on the diagnosis, treatment, and management of allergic diseases-from asthma to urticaria. Thoroughly updated to reflect ... [selengkapnya]
| 14. | 
| | oleh Kevin T. Patton PhD, Gary A. Thibodeau PhD
Rp 2.117.500 Rp 1.905.750
There's no other A&P text that equals Anatomy & Physiology for its student-friendly writing, visually engaging content, and wide range of learning support. Focusing on the unifying themes of structure and function in homeostasis, this dynamic text helps you easily master difficult ... [selengkapnya]
| 15. | 
| | oleh John Thomas DVM, Phillip Lerche BVSc PhD Dipl ACVA
Rp 555.500 Rp 499.950
This guide to the principles of anesthesia administration in animals combines user-friendly coverage of essential information with an outstanding illustration program and improved readability. Anesthesia and Analgesia for Veterinary Technicians, 4th Edition prepares you to administer ... [selengkapnya]
| 16. | 
| | oleh James Duke MD MBA
Rp 357.500 Rp 321.750
Anesthesia Secrets, 4th Edition by James Duke, MD has the quick answers you need for practice and review. It uses the popular question-and-answer format of the Secrets Series® to make essential guidance easy to reference and study. A list of the Top 100 Secrets in anesthesiology lets you review ... [selengkapnya]
| 17. | 
| | oleh Brian A. Hall MD, Robert C. Chantigian MD
Rp 852.500 Rp 767.250 Anesthesia: A Comprehensive Review is an invaluable study tool for certification and recertification as well as a superb way to ensure mastery of all the key knowledge in anesthesiology. Brian A. Hall and Robert C. Chantigian present nearly 1000 completely updated review questions-vetted by Mayo ... [selengkapnya]
| 18. | 
| | oleh Arthur T. Skarin MD FACP FCCP
Rp 2.365.000 Rp 2.128.500
Atlas of Diagnostic Oncology, 4th Edition, by Arthur T. Skarin, MD, FACP, FCCP, provides the guidance you need to diagnose a full range of neoplastic conditions with greater accuracy for better patient outcomes. An unrivaled collection of more than 2,500 images and drawings-combined with ... [selengkapnya]
| 19. | 
| | oleh Paul D. Griffiths FRCR PhD, Janet Morris MSc, Jeanne-Claudie Larroche MD, Michael Reeves FRCR
Rp 1.595.000 Rp 1.435.500
The Atlas of Fetal and Neonatal Brain MR is an excellent atlas that fills the gap in coverage on normal brain development. Dr. Paul Griffiths and his team present a highly visual approach to the neonatal and fetal periods of growth. With over 800 images, you'll have multiple views of normal ... [selengkapnya]
| 20. | 
| | oleh Pankaj Singh DDS Diplomate ICOI Diplomate ABOI Fellow AAID, A. Norman Cranin DDS D. Eng FAAID FADSA FICD FAAHD FADM FACD FBSE
Rp 2.200.000 Rp 1.980.000 Use this expert guide to enhance your skills in implant surgery! With more than 1,500 illustrations, Atlas of Oral Implantology, 3rd Edition covers key topics including diagnosis and planning, basic implant surgery, advanced implant surgery, implant prosthodontics, and implant ... [selengkapnya]
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Justin Bieber: Never Say Never (DVD/Blu-ray Combo)
Justin Bieber: Never Say Never is the inspiring, entertaining and intimate look at the life and meteoric rise of pop phenomenon Justin Bieber. From small town boy to global super-star, Never Say ...
