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Hasil Pencarian untuk "MSC"
Displaying 11 to 20 (of 119 books)

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oleh Barry Mitchell BSc MSc PhD FIBMS FIBiol, Sandra Peel BSc PhD DSc
Rp 440.000      Rp 396.000
This volume in the Illustrated Colour Text series brings together high quality illustrations and a concise text focussed on essential features and is ideal for modern, medical undergraduate curricula where basic sciences emphasise the principle points of relevance to the students.
  • Volume in ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Bernard Liebgott DDS MScD PhD
Rp 990.000      Rp 891.000

Now in full color, The Anatomical Basis of Dentistry helps you master the essentials of gross anatomy! Complete, accurate coverage highlights the regions of the head and neck that are of clinical relevance. Core information provides a foundation of knowledge essential to providing a successful ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Carl P. Weiner MD MBA FACOG, Catalin Buhimschi MD
Rp 1.320.000      Rp 1.188.000
Drugs for Pregnant and Lactating Women, 2nd Edition, by Carl P. Weiner, MD, MBA, FACOG, and Catalin Buhimschi, MD, is a must-have reference that details how virtually all of today's drugs and herbal supplements interact with pregnancy and lactation. Updated thoroughly and covering nearly 2,000 ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Carl P. Weiner MD MBA FACOG, Catalin Buhimschi MD
Rp 1.375.000      Rp 1.237.500
Drugs for Pregnant and Lactating Women, 2nd Edition, by Carl P. Weiner, MD, MBA, FACOG, and Catalin Buhimschi, MD, is a must-have reference that details how virtually all of today's drugs and herbal supplements interact with pregnancy and lactation. Updated thoroughly and covering nearly 2,000 ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Charles A. Babbush DDS MScD, Jack A. Hahn DDS, Jack T. Krauser DMD, Joel L. Rosenlicht DMD
Rp 2.816.000      Rp 2.534.400

For coverage of cutting-edge techniques and procedures, Dental Implants: The Art and Science is your "go to" reference! This edition includes 20 new chapters and coverage of the latest advances and research from leading dental implant experts. Topics range from the business of dental ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Chris J. Main PhD FBPsS, Michael J. L. Sullivan PhD, Paul J. Watson PhD BSc(Hons) MSC MCSP
Rp 852.500      Rp 767.250
This title is directed primarily towards health care professionals outside of the United States. It deals specifically with the management of potentially chronic l pain, how to assess patients with pain, the factors involved in the development of chronic pain and the setting up and running of a ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Darrell S. Rigel MD, June K. Robinson MD, Merrick I. Ross MD, Robert Friedman MD MSc (Med), Clay J Cockerell, Henry Lim, Eggert Stockfleth MD PhD
Rp 2.367.200      Rp 2.130.480

Cancer of the Skin, edited by Drs. Rigel, Robinson, Ross, Friedman, Cockerell, Lim, Stockfleth, and Kirkwood, is your complete, multimedia guide to early diagnosis and effective medical and surgical treatment of melanoma and other skin cancers. Thoroughly updated with 11 new ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh David L. Streiner PhD CPsych, Douglas W. MacPherson MD MSc (CTM) FRCPC, Brian D. Gushulak MD
Rp 330.000      Rp 297.000
Clearly -- and often humorously -- written, PDQ Public Health defines public health and covers the basic concepts of public health policy, including its history, local to international structure, and role in protecting human health. Concise, yet comprehensive, PDQ Public Health educates the reader ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Donald Graham MEd TDCR, Paul Cloke MSc TDCR, Martin Vosper MSc HDCR
Rp 1.188.000      Rp 1.069.200

Printed book plus Pageburst access - you will receive a printed book and access to the complete book content electronically. Pageburst enhances learning by not only bringing world class content to your fingertips but also letting you add to it, annotate it, and categorize it all in a way that ...  [selengkapnya]


Asam Urat  - Soft Cover - 0000-00-00
oleh Dr. dr. Joewono Soeroso, Sp.PD-KR, MSc.
Rp 33.000      Rp 28.050
Pernah merasa nyeri yang amat sangat di daerah persendian? Bisa jadi, penyebabnya adalah peningkatan kadar asam urat dalam darah yang melebihi batasnya. Asam urat merupakan hasil metabolisme purin. Purin juga terdapat dalam makanan yang biasa kita konsumsi. Konsumsi makanan yang mengandung purin ...  [selengkapnya]

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Seoulmate #2: SeoulMate is You
Jika kebenaran itu beresiko, mampukah kau mengatakannya? Sebagai seseorang yang diberi kemampuan bisa melihat hantu, diikuti oleh seorang hantu adalah hal yang lumrah bagi Kim Sun. Namun saat ...   
