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Hasil Pencarian untuk "Ron R "
Displaying 281 to 290 (of 881 books)

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oleh Myron Yanoff MD, Joseph W. Sassani MD MHA
Rp 3.465.000      Rp 3.118.500
Comprehensive, yet concise and clinically oriented, this new edition brings you the very latest advances of every aspect of ocular pathology. From discussions of molecular biology and genetics, to new sections on age-related macular degeneration and complications of refractive surgery, to revised ...  [selengkapnya]


99 Kisah Inspiratif Asmaul Husna  - Soft Cover - 2013-07-10
oleh Nancy Ronancy
Rp 69.800      Rp 59.330


oleh Nathan Efron BScOptom PhD (Melbourne) DSc (Manchester) FAAO (Dip CCLRT) FIACLE FCCLSA FBCLA FACO
Rp 1.829.300      Rp 1.646.370

Effectively manage even the most challenging contact lens complications with help from Contact Lens Complications, 3rd Edition! Award-winning author, clinician, and researcher Professor Nathan Efron presents a thoroughly up-to-date, clinician-friendly guide to identifying, understanding, and ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Nathan Efron BScOptom PhD (Melbourne) DSc (Manchester) FAAO (Dip CCLRT) FIACLE FCCLSA FBCLA FACO
Rp 1.210.000      Rp 1.089.000

Thoroughly revised and updated, this popular book provides a comprehensive yet easy to read guide to modern contact lens practice. Beautifully re-designed in a clean, contemporary layout, this second edition presents relevant and up-to-date information in a systematic manner, with a logical flow ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Neil Sadick, Ron Moy, Naomi Lawrence, Ranella Hirsch
Rp 1.210.000      Rp 1.089.000

All the cosmetic dermatologic surgery techniques you need--and nothing that you don't!

Successfully performing cosmetic dermatologic surgery starts with mastering techniques… and that's the focus--the only focus--of this learn-as-you-go guide. Concise Manual of Cosmetic ...  [selengkapnya]


I Feel Bad About My Neck  - Soft Cover, Flap, Doft - 2007-11-00
Leher: Musuh #1 Para Wanita
oleh Nora Ephron
Rp 39.900      Rp 33.915
Apa yang bisa kita lakukan pada leher kita? Kita bisa mewarnai rambut, mengencangkan kulit wajah, menambah implan, atau melakukan sedot lemak. Tapi leher? Leher wanita tak bisa bohong. Tidak ada yang bisa kita lakukan pada leher kita. Bagaimana dengan tas? Tahukah kau bahwa ada jenis tas yang ...  [selengkapnya]


Ketika Alkitab Dipertanyakan  - Soft Cover - 2006-10-00
oleh Norman L. Geisler & Ronald M.Brooks
Rp 45.000      Rp 38.250
Apakah iman kekristenan Anda sedang dipertanyakan? Apakah Anda sedang mengalami krisis kepercayaan terhadap firman Allah? Apakah Anda sedang mencoba bersaksi tentang kekristenan Anda? Apakah ada orang yang membuat iman Anda kepada Allah goyah? Kita membutuhkan jawaban yang pasti dan alkitabiah saat ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Norman M. Kaplan, Ronald G. Victor
Rp 907.500      Rp 816.750

This best-selling clinical reference by a world-renowned authority on hypertension was listed as the #1 reference book for hypertension by the American Society for Hypertension in 2006. Dr. Kaplan integrates the latest basic science findings and clinical trial data and presents up-to-date, ...  [selengkapnya]


Buku Mini Matematika SMA X, XI, XII  - Soft Cover - 2013-11-00
oleh Noti Lansaroni, S.Si.
Rp 24.000      Rp 20.400
BUKU MINI MATEMATIKA SMA X, XI, XII dirancang khusus buat kamu yang ingin maksimal belajar matematika dengan praktis, cepat, dan mudah.
BUKU MINI inimembahas:
1 Pangkat, AkardanLogaritma
2 PersamaandanFungsiKuadrat
3 Persamaan Linier danKuadrat
4 Pertidaksamaan


oleh Orlo H. Clark MD, Quan-Yang Duh MD, Electron Kebebew MD
Rp 2.772.000      Rp 2.494.800
Atlas of Endocrine Surgical Techniques, a title in the new Surgical Techniques Atlas series edited by Drs. Townsend and Evers, presents state-of-the-art updates on the full range of endocrine surgical techniques performed today. Drs. Duh, Clark, and Kebebew, along with esteemed international ...  [selengkapnya]

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Tak Sempurna
Kami hidup di dunia yang tak sempurna. Saat pagi memaksa kami pergi sekolah untuk bekerja keras untuk masa depan yang tak ...   
