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Hasil Pencarian untuk "Arin"
Displaying 281 to 290 (of 342 books)

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Paket: For Babies  - Soft Cover - 2008-12-00
oleh Jackie Silberg, Karin Ireland
*** Out of Print ***
300 Smart Games For Smart Brains Otak anak-anak bagaikan kertas tisu yang siap menyerap sagela pengetahuan.Tak perlu mempersiapkan kegiatan yang rumit agar mereka dapat belajar. Tiga ratus macam aktivitas singkat dan kreatif dalam buku ini akan mengubah waktu bebas menjadi pengalaman belajar ...  [selengkapnya]


Wood: Contemporary Houses in Wood  - Hard Cover - 2006-02-28
oleh Joaquim Ballarin, Mariona Villavieja
*** Out of Print ***
Wood presents a comprehensive survey of international wood architecture highlighting the incredible versatility of this building material and the environmentally friendly possibilities of using it in residential construction and design. Wood as a material evokes alternate images of warm comfort or ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Karin Mahle
*** Out of Print ***
Eclecticism is LA's defining characteristic. It's a thriving hybrid of a city - decentralized with no clearly defined hub - and its architecture reflects its character. Here is a little guide that will give tourists and professionals alike an overview of notable architecture created in LA during ...  [selengkapnya]


Faithless  - Mass Market Paperback - 2006-07-25
oleh Karin Slaughter
*** Out of Print ***
“Brilliant plotting, relentless suspense,” raved the Washington Post. “A new synonym for terror,” crowned the Detroit Free Press. The critics agree: no one writes suspense like Karin Slaughter, whose thrillers featuring medical examiner Sara Linton and her ...  [selengkapnya]


An Hour to Kill: A Novel  - Mass Market Paperback - 2004-01-06
oleh Karin Yapalater
*** Out of Print ***
Karin Yapalater's pulsating debut novel, An Hour to Kill, is an unforgettable psychosexual thriller set in the dark heart of New York City

When a series of brutal murders takes place in the desolate wintry landscape of Central Park, a pair of unlikely colleagues, New York City ...  [selengkapnya]


Chiffon Cake  - Soft Cover - 2013-03-00
oleh Karina Ayu Pradita
*** Out of Print ***
Dicuekin itu sama sekali nggak enak.
Nggak dianggap ada itu benar-benar menyakitkan.
Apalagi kalau semua itu dilakukan oleh pacar kita…boro-boro mikirin jenjang yang lebih serius, melewati hari demi hari aja rasanya kayak di ...  [selengkapnya]


Contemporary Asian Pools And Gardens  - Hard Cover - 2005-06-15
oleh Karina Zabihi, Chami Jotisalikorn
*** Out of Print ***
Contemporary Asian Pools and Gardens showcases the continent's most spectacular modern gardens and water features. Private swimming pools and gardens have increasingly become an integral part of modern living spaces and you don't necessarily have to live in a house to have one. This book in ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Karina Zabihi, Chami Jotisalikorn, Luca Invernizzi
*** Out of Print ***
With over one hundred full-color photographs, Contemporary Asian Kitchens and Dining Rooms looks at a wide range of inspirational cooking and dining spaces, from the elegance of open-plan entertaining to the raw, modern look of an industrial kitchen.
Few rooms in the house depict the ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Katarina Gosal
*** Out of Print ***
Setiap anak kecil, remaja, bahkan orang dewasa terutama kaum wanita biasanya sangat menyukai boneka beruang karena boneka ini adalah mainan yang sangat lazim dan dikenal dari jaman ke jaman. Untuk mendapatkan boneka beruang memang mudah karena boneka tersebut banyak di jual di toko-toko mainan, ...  [selengkapnya]


Travelpreneur + CD  - Soft Cover - 2014-04-14
oleh Katarina Indrawati
*** Out of Print ***

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C is for Corpse - Cinta, Perselingkuhan dan Kematian Bobby [Clearance Sale]
Kinsey Millhone adalah eks polisi wanita yang menjadi detektif swasta di Santa Teresa, California. Kali ini, ia menangani kasus pembunuhan Bobby Callahan�seorang pemuda 23 tahun, pegawai administrasi ...   
