271. | 
| | oleh David Malouf *** Out of Print *** From the internationally acclaimed Australian writer: a single volume gathering a brilliant new collection of his short fiction, Every Move You Make, and all of his previously published stories.
In the heretofore unpublished Every Move You Make: bookish boys and taciturn men, ... [selengkapnya]
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| | oleh Alan Lightman *** Out of Print *** An unprecedented explosion of creativity, insight, and breakthrough occurred in every field of science in the last century. From the theory of relativity to the first quantum model of the atom to the mapping of the structure of DNA, these discoveries profoundly changed the way we understand the ... [selengkapnya]
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| | oleh Paul Ormerod *** Out of Print *** With the same originality and astuteness that marked his widely praised Butterfly Economics, Paul Ormerod now examines the “Iron Law of Failure” as it applies to business and government–and explains what can be done about it.
“Failure is all around us,” ... [selengkapnya]
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| | oleh Neil Shubin *** Out of Print *** Oliver Sacks on Your Inner Fish Since the 1970 publication of Migraine, neurologist Oliver Sacks's unusual and fascinating case histories of "differently brained" people and phenomena--a surgeon with Tourette's syndrome, a community of people born totally colorblind, ... [selengkapnya]
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| | oleh Gan KH *** Out of Print *** ...Ciu Hou bergidik ngeri, tanyanya, 'Jalan kedua bagaimana?
'Jalan kedua dinamakan jalan kematian'. Jalan pendek yang menembus ke menara di atas puncak ini juga terdapat sepuluh rintangan, setiap rintangan dijaga oleh jago-jago kosen, semila anak murid kita sendiri bole keluar masuk dengan bebas, ... [selengkapnya]
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| | oleh Gan K.L. *** Out of Print *** Geger Dunia Persilatan merupakan cerita silat karya Gu Long ( (1967), dengan judul asli: Hong Lui Cin Kiu Ciu. Disadurkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia oleh Gan K.L. [selengkapnya]
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| | Senjata ke-2 dari Serial 7 Mcam Senjata oleh Tjan ID *** Out of Print *** "Perempuan pada dasarnya merupakan sumber bencana apalagi dalam dunia persilatan. tak terhitung jumlah perempuan jahat yang berkelana bila kau tersengat salah satu saja diantaranya. maka kesulitan yang kau hadapi tak bakal ada habisnya"
Toan Giok, seorang pemuda yang masih hijau. dengan sebilah ... [selengkapnya]
278. | 
| | oleh Gan K.L *** Out of Print *** Kisah Pedang di Sungai Es merupakan cerita silat karya Gu Long (1964), dengan judul asli: Peng Ho Swe Kiam oleh Gan K.L
T A M A T [selengkapnya]
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| | oleh Gan K.L *** Out of Print *** [selengkapnya]
280. | 
| | oleh Gan K.H *** Out of Print *** [selengkapnya]