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Hasil Pencarian untuk "Arin"
Displaying 251 to 260 (of 342 books)

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oleh Carol Marinelli
*** Out of Print ***
Menjelang pernikahan salah satu rekan kerjanya di rumah sakit, perawat Annie Jameson dibuat pusing karena gaun pengiring pengantinnya kesempitan, padahal acara besar itu tinggal beberapa hari lagi! Di tengah usahanya menurunkan berat badan, Annie juga harus menghadapi tingkah dokter senior baru ...  [selengkapnya]


Little Book of Big Packaging Ideas  - Paperback - 2007-01-03
oleh Catharine Fishel, Stacey King Gordon
*** Out of Print ***
A volume "packed" with insight and ideas

The packaging industry is more competitive every day so creating a new package that is innovative, adds value, and makes a connection with the consumer is a challenge often met with limited success. Dynamic and unusual package designs can really ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Chami Jotisalikorn, Karina Zabihi
*** Out of Print ***
As the designs in this book show, Asia's most successful decorators have worked wonders with bathrooms.
Here you'll find artfully arranged tubs and basins, shower curtains adjusted just so for perfect coloring, and glass panels placed at intriguing geometric angles. These brilliant strategies ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Chami Jotisalikorn, Karina Zabihi
*** Out of Print ***
Contemporary Asian Bedrooms opens the door to a new world of slumber retreats, showcasing some of the most eye-catching new bedroom designs in luxury homes and hotels in Southeast Asia. Shown here are a range of new design trends, from Zen minimalist to exuberant color kaleidoscopes, that ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Chami Jotisalikorn, Karina Zabihi
*** Out of Print ***
Contemporary Asian Bedrooms opens the door to a new world of slumber retreats, showcasing some of the most eye-catching new bedroom designs in luxury homes and hotels in Southeast Asia. Shown here are a range of new design trends, from Zen minimalist to exuberant color kaleidoscopes, that ...  [selengkapnya]


Contemporary Asian Living Rooms  - Paperback - 2007-03-15
oleh Chami Jotisalikorn, Karina Zabihi
*** Out of Print ***
Contemporary Asian Living Rooms explores 50 of Southeast Asia's most interesting homes and hotels. Interiors range from the starkly minimal to the luxuriously plush—from Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Bali. Created by some of the leading talents in contemporary Asian design today, ...  [selengkapnya]


Contemporary Asian Living Rooms  - Hard Cover - 2005-03-15
oleh Chami Jotisalikorn, Karina Zabihi, Luca Invernizzi
*** Out of Print ***
Contemporary Asian Living Rooms takes you into 50 of Southeast Asia's most inspiring homes and hotels. Dozens of beautiful interiors, displayed in more than 150 full-color photographs, provide the most up-to-date design ideas. Created by some of the leading talents in contemporary Asian ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Charles Gasparino
*** Out of Print ***
Blood on the Street is a riveting account of the Wall Street scam in which ordinary investors lost literally billions of dollars -- in many cases their life savings -- in one of the greatest deceptions ever, by the crack reporter who broke the original story.

In one of the most outrageous ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Charles Gasparino
*** Out of Print ***

A Long Way to the Top

Rags-to-riches stories abound in American lore, but even Horatio Alger would have been hard-pressed to write one as powerful as Richard Grasso's: the son of a working-class family whose childhood dream was to become a cop, he grew up in New York City's outer ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Cyrillus Harinowo
*** Out of Print ***
Pengalaman Indonesia dalam menangani krisis bersama IMF, serta pengalaman IMF sendiri dalam menangani krisis di berbagai belahan dunia, merupakan sejarah yang terlalu penting untuk dilupakan. Banyak hal penting yang selama tersembunyi dari pengetahuan publik dicoba diungkapkan dalam buku ini, ...  [selengkapnya]

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Manusia Langit: Sebuah Novel Etnografi
Mahendra, seorang arkeolog muda, berusaha melepaskan diri dari kungkungan peradaban kampus. Ia kabur ke Banuaha, sebuah kampung di pedalaman Pulau Nias, yang diyakini penduduk aslinya sebagai tempat ...   
