Hasil Pencarian untuk "Susan R"
Displaying 231 to 240 (of 251 books)
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| 231. | 
| | oleh Susan Shapiro *** Out of Print *** Ever since her former boss introduced her to her handsome, brilliant husband-to-be, Susan Shapiro has been on a marital mission. So far, she’s fixed up twelve marriages and countless couples. Unlike all those “relationship experts” who are incapable of having a real relationship, ... [selengkapnya]
| 232. | 
| | oleh Susan Silvano, Richard Silvano, Sheldon Bowles *** Out of Print *** [selengkapnya]
| 233. | 
| | oleh Susan Sizemore *** Out of Print *** Can a heroic vampire protect his clan from danger -- and save himself from burning desire?As Prime of his vampire Family, Mathias Bridger is sworn to protect his own kind at any cost -- but years of acting as a fierce guardian of his people have left him yearning for more out of life. ... [selengkapnya]
| 234. | 
| | oleh Susan Westmoreland, From the Editors of Good Housekeeping *** Out of Print ***
Edited by Susan Westmoreland, Food Director of Good Housekeeping, this bestselling compendium includes recipes, techniques, menus, tips, illustrations, photographs, and more in 832 pages.This comprehensive compendium of recipes, techniques, menus, and cooking advice ... [selengkapnya] |
| 235. | 
| | oleh Susan Wise Bauer *** Out of Print *** This was the end of the old Rome. But it would turn out to be the rise of something much more powerful, both for good and for evil. (p.777). Apa yang terlintas di benak kita ketika membaca ending sebuah buku seperti di atas? Dan bukan sembarang buku, melainkan sebuah buku sejarah dengan tebal ... [selengkapnya]
| 236. | 
| | oleh Susan Wise Bauer *** Out of Print *** A lively and engaging narrative history showing the common threads in the cultures that gave birth to our own.
This is the first volume in a bold new series that tells the stories of all peoples, connecting historical events from Europe to the Middle East to the far coast of China, ... [selengkapnya]
| 237. | 
| | oleh Susan-Jane Beers *** Out of Print *** Just as India has Ayurveda and China has its traditional medicinal system, Indonesia has jamu: an integrated system of inner and outer health and beauty. Indonesian jamu has a 1,200-year-old history but is virtually unknown outside of that country. Now, an experienced writer has devoted herself to ... [selengkapnya]
| 238. | 
| | oleh Susana Setyarini, Ule Sulistyo *** Out of Print *** Dalam dunia usaha, bahasa sangat berperan, tidak peduli bahasa yang Anda gunakan. Sekarang, penguasaan bahasa asing mutlak menjadi salah satu andalan agar bisa berkompetisi di dunia usaha selain "adding value to oneself". Apakah yang selama ini Anda lakukan? Hanya seperti biasa, yaitu presentasi, ... [selengkapnya]
| 239. | 
| | oleh Susanna Carr *** Out of Print *** "Six Weeks to Sensuality" Amy Bryce is a lady. That's what everyone knows. Sweet, loyal Amy. She might as well have the word "sucker" tattooed on her forehead. Only a sucker would manager a polite smile while her ex-boyfriend proposed to her worst enemy. Well, Amy's finally had enough of being ... [selengkapnya]
| 240. | 
| | Bonus Kalender 2010 oleh Susanna Clarke *** Out of Print *** Buku ini mengisahkan tentang persaingan dua penyihir hebat Inggris pada abad ke-19 yang akhirnya menyebabkan mereka berpetualang di alam lain yang mestinya tidak mereka masuki.
Berisi tiga buku, sebagai berilut:
- Jonathan Strange dan Mr Norrell Jilid I
- Jonathan Strange dan Mr Norrell Jilid ... [selengkapnya]
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