2251. | 
| | oleh R.K. Narayan *** Out of Print *** Ramayana dan Mahabarata, tergolong ke dalam epos besar dunia yang berusia sangat tua. Berasal dari India, kedua kisah ini melanglang hingga ke berbagai kawasan asia, termasuk Indonesia. Persinggungan dengan berbagai kebudayaan justru semakin memperkaya versi tentangnya.
RK Narayan, penulis ... [selengkapnya]
2252. | 
| | oleh Radinal Mukhtar Harahap *** Out of Print *** Awas! Teroris mengincar remaja! Atas nama jihad, para remaja direkrut menjadi "calon pengantin" yang akan meledakkan bom bunuh diri. Hiiiy! Serem banget. Salah salah memahami, bisa-bisa kita bukannya berjihad malah menyebar teror. Bukannya menjadi mujahid, malah menjadi teroris. Nggak mau, dong! ... [selengkapnya]
2253. | 
| | oleh Rafael Raga Maran *** Out of Print *** Sejak zaman dahulu hingga kini, di sekolah formal diajarkan logika atau ilmu menalar. Dalam kenyataan, tidak selalu mudah menerapkan penalaran yang tepat dan benar. Oleh karena itu, logika perlu dipelajari dengan serius dan sungguh-sungguh. [selengkapnya]
2254. | 
| | oleh Rajiv Chandrasekaran *** Out of Print ***
An unprecedented account of life in Baghdad’s Green Zone, a walled-off enclave of towering plants, posh villas, and sparkling swimming pools that was the headquarters for the American occupation of Iraq.
The Washington Post’s former Baghdad bureau chief Rajiv ... [selengkapnya]
2255. | 
| | oleh Ram Charan *** Out of Print *** Berapa kali kita mendengar seorang yang berpenampilan tegas menyampaikan visi berani yang ternyata sekadar retorika kosong? Sering kali kita salah menilai orang berpenampilan bak pemimpin sebagai pemimpin sejati. Tak diragukan lagi, kecerdasan, visi, dan kemampuan berkomunikasi itu penting. Tapi ... [selengkapnya]
2256. | 
| | oleh Ram Charan *** Out of Print *** In Know-How, Ram Charan, coauthor of the bestseller Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done, gives readers a bold new approach to understanding leadership. Charan suggests that when it comes to choosing our business leaders, we don't recognize the crucial difference between ... [selengkapnya]
2257. | 
| | oleh Ram Charan *** Out of Print *** In Know-How, Ram Charan, coauthor of the bestseller Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done, gives readers a bold new approach to understanding leadership. Charan suggests that when it comes to choosing our business leaders, we don't recognize the crucial difference between ... [selengkapnya]
2258. | 
| | oleh Ram Charan *** Out of Print *** Learn how top companies solve the problem of leadership succession from corporate America's leading consultant. A serious crisis looms in American management today. More and more CEOs are failing; there remains an acute shortage of capable replacements. The true dilemma in leadership is the ... [selengkapnya]
2259. | 
| | oleh Ram Charan *** Out of Print *** The coauthor of the international bestseller Execution has created the how-to guide for solving today’s toughest business challenge: creating profitable growth that is organic, differentiated, and sustainable.
For many, growth is about “home runs”—the big bold ... [selengkapnya]
2260. | 
| | oleh Ram Charan *** Out of Print *** Ram Charan learned about business from his family's shoe shop in India before attending Harvard Business School and going on to advise senior executives in companies large and small. His experiences taught him that universal laws apply "whether you sell fruit from a stand or are running a Fortune ... [selengkapnya]