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Hasil Pencarian untuk "PAN"
Displaying 201 to 210 (of 421 books)

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oleh Peter Godwin
*** Out of Print ***
After his father's heart attack in 1984, Peter Godwin began a series of pilgrimages back to Zimbabwe, the land of his birth, from Manhattan, where he now lives. On these frequent visits to check on his elderly parents, he bore witness to Zimbabwe's dramatic spiral downwards into thejaws of violent ...  [selengkapnya]


You've Been Warned  - Hard Cover - 2007-09-10
oleh James Patterson, Howard Roughan
*** Out of Print ***
Kristin Burns is making her way in New York City. Her photos are being considered at a major Manhattan gallery, she works by day with two wonderful children, and the man of her dreams is almost hers for keeps. But just as everything she's ever wanted is finally within reach, her life changes ...  [selengkapnya]


READY OR NOT (ALL AMERICAN GIRL)  - Paperback - 2006-00-00
*** Out of Print ***
Samantha Madison

10. Her big sister is the most popular girl in school

9. Her little sister is a certified genius

8. She's in love with her big sister's boyfriend

7. She got caught selling celebrity portraits in ...  [selengkapnya]


*** Out of Print ***
Inside Islam offers an unprecedented and extremely timely examination of Islam, one of the world’s three major monotheistic religions, in all its complexity. Editors John Miller and Aaron Kenedi, who in God’s Breath collected the essential sacred texts of seven major wisdom ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Dehart Ganie B
*** Out of Print ***
"Child Development: Its Nature and Its Course" is McGraw-Hill's most empirically-driven textbook for the chronologically-organized, one semester child development course. Sophisticated, articulate, contextual, and solidly based in research, DeHart, Sroufe and Cooper provide a coherent and ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Mars Fontana
*** Out of Print ***


Health Psychology - 2011-01-09
oleh Shelley E. Taylor
*** Out of Print ***
The eighth edition of Health Psychology highlights health issues that face the college student and his or her family through both accessible research examples and profiles of interventions. Drawing on current, cutting-edge research, the text highlights health issues relevant to the college ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Marcia Layton Turner
*** Out of Print ***
They are the men and women whose strategies continue to define industries, set trends, lead companies, and make millions. And now, for the first time, the secrets behind their extraordinary successes are being revealed to the rest of us. Here, finally, are the detailed blueprints of their winning ...  [selengkapnya]


Fiqih Perencanaan Keuangan Syariah  - Soft Cover - 2010-08-13
oleh Drs.Agustianto M,M.AG & Lutfi T Rizki,MM, RFA
*** Out of Print ***


Henry IV (Classics Library (NTC))  - Paperback - 1998-10-00
oleh William Shakespeare
*** Out of Print ***
Cambridge School Shakespeare offers an active approach to classroom Shakespeare, enabling students to inhabit Shakespeare's imaginative world in accessible and creative ways.  [selengkapnya]

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Dunia Alice
WaaaahhhĀ¯ nenek menyeletuk takjub saat melihat mobil berhenti dan menaikkan seorang penumpang. Celetukan semacam itu sangat kerap terlontar dari mulut Alice dan keluarganya. Sebagai pendatang ...   
