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Hasil Pencarian untuk "Harr"
Displaying 201 to 210 (of 320 books)

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Uncle Tom's Cabin  - Soft Cover - 2007-12-00
oleh Harriet Beecher Stowe
*** Out of Print ***
Tom adalah budak kulit hitam dalam tulisan karya Herriet Beecher Stowe ini. Ketika akhirnya Uncle Tom's Cabin diterbitkan, buku ini mendapat sukses besar dan menjadi novel terlaris pada abad kesembilan belas. Buku ini dibaca oleh para politisi, dan presiden Lincoln suatu kali pernah mengatakan ...  [selengkapnya]


Uncle Tom's Cabin  - Soft Cover - 2011-08-00
oleh Harriet Beecher Stowe
*** Out of Print ***
Sangat sedikit novel yang mampu mengubah sejarah, Uncle Tom's Cabin ada-lah salah satunya. Buku ini berperan penting dalam mengobarkan semangat antiperbudakan di Amerika Serikat hingga meretas pecahnya Perang Saudara pada abad ke-19. "Jadi, Andalah wanita mungil yang menulis buku yang memicu ...  [selengkapnya]


Vintage Fashion  - Hard Cover - 2006-02-10
oleh Harriet Quick
*** Out of Print ***


Challenges 1 & 2 DVD (PAL)  - Soft Cover, DVD - 2007-00-00
oleh Harris, M et al
*** Out of Print ***
Teenagers want to be challenged and motivated. This puts a lot of pressure on you. Challenges will take that pressure off your shoulders by helping you meet the needs of demanding teenagers. You can do it! Your students will... get a clear sense of progress through materials that can be ...  [selengkapnya]


Challenges 1 & 2 DVD Activity Book  - Soft Cover, DVD - 2007-00-00
oleh Harris, M et al
*** Out of Print ***
Teenagers want to be challenged and motivated. This puts a lot of pressure on you. Challenges will take that pressure off your shoulders by helping you meet the needs of demanding teenagers. You can do it! Your students will... get a clear sense of progress through materials that can be ...  [selengkapnya]


Challenges 1 Class Audio CD  - Soft Cover, CD - 2007-00-00
oleh Harris, M et al
*** Out of Print ***
Teenagers want to be challenged and motivated. This puts a lot of pressure on you. Challenges will take that pressure off your shoulders by helping you meet the needs of demanding teenagers. You can do it! Your students will... get a clear sense of progress through materials that can be ...  [selengkapnya]


Challenges 1 Student's Book  - Soft Cover - 2007-00-00
oleh Harris, M et al
*** Out of Print ***
Teenagers want to be challenged and motivated. This puts a lot of pressure on you. Challenges will take that pressure off your shoulders by helping you meet the needs of demanding teenagers. You can do it! Your students will... get a clear sense of progress through materials that can be ...  [selengkapnya]


Challenges 1 Teacher's Handbook  - Soft Cover, CD - 2007-00-00
oleh Harris, M et al
*** Out of Print ***
Teenagers want to be challenged and motivated. This puts a lot of pressure on you. Challenges will take that pressure off your shoulders by helping you meet the needs of demanding teenagers. You can do it! Your students will... get a clear sense of progress through materials that can be ...  [selengkapnya]


Challenges 1 Test Book  - Soft Cover - 2007-00-00
oleh Harris, M et al
*** Out of Print ***
Teenagers want to be challenged and motivated. This puts a lot of pressure on you. Challenges will take that pressure off your shoulders by helping you meet the needs of demanding teenagers. You can do it! Your students will... get a clear sense of progress through materials that can be ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Harris, M et al
*** Out of Print ***
Teenagers want to be challenged and motivated. This puts a lot of pressure on you. Challenges will take that pressure off your shoulders by helping you meet the needs of demanding teenagers. You can do it! Your students will... get a clear sense of progress through materials that can be ...  [selengkapnya]

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Aku Jujur
Kalo CINTA itu sebenarnya INDAH, tergantung gimana cara elo ngeliatnya. Meski elo dibikin nangis olehnya, tapi suatu saat nanti elo akan sadar. ...   
