Hasil Pencarian untuk "Son"
Displaying 2101 to 2110 (of 2321 books)
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| 2101. | 
| | oleh Seymour Geisser, Wesley M. Johnson *** Out of Print *** A fascinating investigation into the foundations of statistical inference This publication examines the distinct philosophical foundations of different statistical modes of parametric inference. Unlike many other texts that focus on methodology and applications, this book focuses on a ... [selengkapnya]
| 2102. | 
| | oleh Shanna Swendson *** Out of Print *** Katie Chandler selalu mendengar bahwa New York adalah kota yang ajaib, tapi cewek kota kecil ini tak pernah menyangka sampai ia tinggal di sana. Ke mana pun matanya memandang, ia melihat sesuatu yang ganjil, dan Katie takut ia jadi gila.
Tahu-tahu, Katie mendapat tawaran pekerjaan dari Magic, ... [selengkapnya]
| 2103. | 
| | oleh Sheila Sweeny Higginson *** Out of Print *** [selengkapnya]
| 2104. | 
| | oleh Sherri Jackson *** Out of Print *** Illustrates the integration between statistics and research methods by demonstrating the ways to use statistics in analyzing data collected during research. This text focuses on the logic of the process and the methodology aspect of research. It also presents examples and exercises to which ... [selengkapnya]
| 2105. | 
| | oleh Shireen Dodson *** Out of Print ***
Newly revised and updated! The tenth anniversary edition of the inspirational book that has brought countless mothers and daughters closer together! The Mother-Daughter Book Club is the story of a group of mothers and their daughters, and how their ... [selengkapnya]
| 2106. | 
| | oleh Sid Jacobson, Ernie Colon *** Out of Print *** Book Description The 9/11 Report for Every American On December 5, 2005, the 9/11 Commission issued its final report card on the government's fulfillment of the recommendations issued in July 2004: one A, twelve Bs, nine Cs, twelve Ds, three Fs, and four incompletes. Here is ... [selengkapnya]
| 2107. | 
| | oleh Simon Joinson *** Out of Print *** An easy-to-follow and practical guide to exactly what can be done with the digital camera. From basic information about what a digital camera can do, to simple and easy-to-follow methods of touching up your photographs, the book goes on to give invaluable tips and ideas on using digital photography ... [selengkapnya]
| 2108. | 
| | oleh Simon Joinson *** Out of Print *** Applicable to all digital cameras from the most basic compacts on up. From basic information about what a digital camera can do, to simple and easy-to-follow methods of touching up your photographs, Get the Most from your Digital Camera gives invaluable tips and ideas on using digital ... [selengkapnya]
| 2109. | 
| | oleh Sir Jason Winters & Benjamin R.S. *** Out of Print *** Keberhasilan Sir Jason Winters - mantan stuntman Hollywood - lolos dari penyakit kanker stadium akhir sungguh mengejutkan dunia dan menimbulkan kehebohan di dunia pengobatan, kalangan pemerintah dan pendukung kesehatan alami.
- Bukunya telah terjual lebih dari 13 juta eksemplar dan ... [selengkapnya]
| 2110. | 
| | oleh Slamet Saksono, Drs *** Out of Print *** Membahas secara lengkap manajemen ketenagakerjaan; pengertian-pengertian pokok, status dan sistem kepegawaian dan penggajian, proses penerimaan, pembinaan, produktivitas, PHK dan pensiun. Juga membahas Hubungan Industrial Pancasila. [selengkapnya]
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Dying to Please: Sang Penakluk
Sarah Stevens pengawal yang sangat mumpuni, hal yang sangat berguna dalam posisinya sebagai kepala pelayan pensiunan hakim Federal. Namun ketika ada pengagum berbahaya yang terobsesi pada Sarah, ...
