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Hasil Pencarian untuk "Bernadette"
Displaying 1 to 10 (of 17 books)

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oleh Bernadette F. Rodak MS MLS, George A. Fritsma MS MLS, Elaine Keohane PhD MLS
Rp 1.210.000      Rp 1.089.000

Featuring hundreds of full-color photomicrographs, Hematology: Clinical Principles and Applications prepares you for a job in the clinical lab by exploring the essential aspects of hematology. It shows how to accurately identify cells, simplifies hemostasis and thrombosis concepts, and ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Bernadette F. Rodak MS MLS, Jacqueline H. Carr MS CLSpH(NCA) CLDir(NCA)
Rp 737.000      Rp 663.300

An excellent companion to Rodak's Hematology: Clinical Principles & Applications, this atlas is ideal for helping you accurately identify cells at the microscope. It offers complete coverage of the basics of hematologic morphology, including examination of the peripheral blood smear, ...  [selengkapnya]


Metode Cepat Baca Tulis Mandarin buku 1  - Soft Cover - 2012-07-00
oleh Bernadette Rita
Rp 29.000      Rp 23.200

Keunggulan Buku:

  • Anak diajarkan cara membaca kosakata yang paling sederhana dan angka.
  • Terdapat latihan menulis kosakata Mandarin.
  • Terdapat materi mewarnai gambar untuk merangsang motorik halus anak.
  • Materi ...  [selengkapnya]


Metode Cepat Baca Tulis Mandarin buku 2  - Soft Cover - 2012-07-00
oleh Bernadette Rita
Rp 29.000      Rp 23.200

Keunggulan Buku:

  • Anak diajarkan cara membaca kosakata yang paling sederhana dahulu.
  • Terdapat latihan menulis kosakata Mandarin.
  • Terdapat materi mewarnai gambar untuk merangsang motorik halus anak.
  • Materi ...  [selengkapnya]


Metode Cepat Baca Tulis Mandarin buku 3  - Soft Cover - 2012-07-00
oleh Bernadette Rita
Rp 29.000      Rp 23.200

Keunggulan Buku:

  • Anak diajarkan cara membaca kosakata yang paling sederhana dahulu.
  • Terdapat latihan menulis kosakata Mandarin.
  • Terdapat materi mewarnai gambar untuk merangsang motorik halus anak.
  • Materi ...  [selengkapnya]


Metode Cepat Baca Tulis Mandarin Buku 4  - Soft Cover - 2012-07-00
oleh Bernadette Rita
Rp 29.000      Rp 23.200

Keunggulan Buku:

  • Setelah mempelajari Buku 1, 2, dan 3, anak diajarkan cara membaca dan menulis kosakata Mandarin yang lumayan sulit.
  • Terdapat materi mewarnai gambar untuk merangsang motorik halus anak.
  • Materi disertai ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Christopher G. Anton, Alexander J. Towbin, Bernadette L. Koch, Eva Ilse Rubio, Daniel J. Podberesky, B. J. Manaster, Susan I. Blaser, Sara M. O'Hara, Lane F. Donnelly
Rp 3.795.000      Rp 3.415.500

This deluxe and gorgeously illustrated volume of the cutting-edge EXPERTddx series represents the latest in pediatric imaging from Amirsys, the world's leader in medical information systems. EXPERTddx: Pediatrics will guide radiologists toward logical, on-target differential ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh H. Ric Harnsberger, Bernadette L. Koch, C. Douglas Phillips, Christine M. Glastonbury, Kristine Mosier, Michelle Michel, Patricia Hudgins, Richard H. Wiggins
Rp 3.850.000      Rp 3.465.000

Another Harnsberger classic is now available from Amirsys. Like other volumes in the cutting-edge EXPERTddx series, this deluxe reference book presents the most relevant differential diagnoses used by radiologists today, each of them classified by specific anatomic location, generic ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh H. Ric Harnsberger, Christine M. Glastonbury, Michelle A. Michel, Bernadette L. Koch
Rp 2.695.000      Rp 2.425.500
Amirsys proudly announces the updated Second Edition of the bestselling Diagnostic Imaging: Head and Neck. With nearly 400 diagnosesall featuring the most recent information, citations, and imagesthis reference guides practicing radiologists through the intricacies of the head and neck. Richly ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Jacqueline H. Carr MS CLSpH(NCA) CLDir(NCA), Bernadette F. Rodak MS MLS
Rp 632.500      Rp 569.250
Ideal for identifying cells at the microscope, this atlas covers the basics of hematologic morphology, including examination of the peripheral blood smear, basic maturation of the blood cell lines, and discussions of a variety of clinical disorders. Over 400 photographs, schematic diagrams, and ...  [selengkapnya]

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Ia tumbuh dalam kondisi keluarga serba pas. Rumah yang ia tinggali berpindah dari satu bantaran kali ke bantaran kali yang lain. Bersama keluarganya ia pernah menjadi penghuni liar di pasar kayu, dan ...   
