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Hasil Pencarian untuk "Anthony"
Displaying 1 to 10 (of 190 books)

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oleh Alexander Levitov, Paul Dallas, Anthony Slonim
Rp 907.500      Rp 816.750

The first complete guide to the use of ultrasound in clinical medicine

Endorsed by the American College of Physicians!

Bedside Ultrasonography in Clinical Medicine offers the first all-inclusive, yet concise review of the optimal use and interpretation of ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Alexander Levitov, Paul Mayo, Anthony Slonim
Rp 1.760.000      Rp 1.584.000

A complete, hands-on guide to successful image acquisition and interpretation at the bedside

"The real strength of this textbook is its clinical focus. The editors are to be complimented on keeping a consistent structure within each chapter, beginning with basic physical ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Amy S. Paller MD, Anthony J. Mancini MD
Rp 1.765.500      Rp 1.588.950

Hurwitz Clinical Pediatric Dermatology, by Amy S. Paller, MD and Anthony J. Mancini, MD, gives you easy access to the practical, definitive guidance you need to expertly identify and manage all types of skin disorders seen in children. Continuing the legacy of Dr. Sidney Hurwitz's beloved ...  [selengkapnya]


Management Control Systems  - Soft Cover - 0000-00-00
oleh Anthony
Rp 251.000      Rp 213.350
"Management Control Systems" helps students to develop the insight and analytical skills required of today's managers. Students uncover how real-world managers design, implement, and use planning and control systems to implement business strategies. The 12th edition builds on the strengths of prior ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Anthony A B
Rp 41.000      Rp 34.850


Akuntansi Manajemen Jilid 1 Edisi 5  - Soft Cover - 0000-00-00
oleh Anthony A. Atkinson, Robert S. Kaplan, Ella Mae Matsumura, S. Mark Young
Rp 100.000      Rp 85.000
Bagaimana anda menciptakan suatu nilai? Buku ini menggunakan perhitungan yang ada dalam sistem manajemen.  [selengkapnya]


Akuntansi Manajemen, Edisi 5 Jilid 2  - Soft Cover - 0000-00-00
oleh Anthony A. Atkinson, Robert S. Kaplan, Ella Mae Matsumura, S. Mark Young
Rp 120.000      Rp 102.000


oleh Anthony Amato, James Russell
Rp 1.897.500      Rp 1.707.750

Everything you need to know about neuromuscular disease--in one concise, full-color volume

"...this book will become an indispensable resource for clinicians involved in the diagnosis and management of patients with neuromuscular diseases, as well as for scientists working ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Anthony Ann
Rp 85.000


oleh Anthony Ann
Rp 85.000

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"Self-branding adalah usaha memaksimalkan potensi diri untuk meraih kesuksesan. Kendalikan potensi Anda dan ambil alih karier, bisnis, dan hidup Anda sekarang. You Are a Brand mengupas segala ...   
