Hasil Pencarian untuk "HILL"
Displaying 181 to 190 (of 257 books)
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| 181. |
| | oleh Kevin Phillips *** Out of Print *** From the writer called our "modern-day Tom Paine,"an explosive analysis of the axis of religion, politics, and fiscal imprudence that threatens to destroy the nation.
Unabridged CDs - 11 CDs, 13 hours [selengkapnya]
| 182. |
| | oleh Kevin Phillips *** Out of Print *** An explosive examination of the coalition of forces that threatens the nation, from the bestselling author of American Dynasty In his two most recent bestselling books, American Dynasty and Wealth and Democracy, Kevin Phillips established himself as a powerful critic ... [selengkapnya]
| 183. |
| | oleh Krishna Sen, David T. Hill *** Out of Print *** Media, Culture, and Politics in Indonesia is about the institutions and policies that determine what Indonesians write, read, watch, and hear. It covers the print media, broadcast radio and television, computers and the internet, videos, films and music. This book argues that the texts of the media ... [selengkapnya]
| 184. |
| | Kisah Lucu dan Sedih Menjadi Muslimah di Tanah Eropa oleh Lucy Bushill-Matthews *** Out of Print *** Lucy Bushill-Matthews, Muslimah muallaf dan ibu dari tiga orang anak, menyerap teori dan acap kali realitas kehidupan yang menggelikan sebagai Muslim di Inggris: sebagai seorang muallaf, seorang wanita bekerja, seorang ibu, dan anggota aktif komunitas Muslim Inggris.
Temukan kehidupan seperti ... [selengkapnya]
| 185. |
| | oleh Mary Scannell, Mike Mulvilhill *** Out of Print ***
Spark the next great business idea by igniting your team’s passion and creativity Innovating breakthrough products, services, solutions, and marketing ideas are some of the most important challenges you face as a manager. Don’t wrack your brain trying to catch that “eureka” ... [selengkapnya]
| 186. |
| | oleh Matt Phillips *** Out of Print *** [selengkapnya]
| 187. |
| | oleh Mayer Hillman, Tina Fawcett, Sudhir Chella Rajan *** Out of Print ***
An outstanding overview on global warming--and what we can do about it--from a distinguished world-class authority Climate change is the single biggest problem that humankind has ever had to face, as we continue with lifestyles that are way beyond the planet's ... [selengkapnya] |
| 188. |
| | oleh MCGRAW HILL - BRIAN TRACY *** Out of Print *** [selengkapnya]
| 189. |
| | oleh MCGRAW HILL TRADE - JACK TROUT *** Out of Print *** Jadi Anda menguasai pemasaran. Anda telah memosisikan perusahaan Anda, menancapkan merek produk Anda, dan menyasar pelanggan Anda. Sayangnya, dalam kondisi perekonomian saat ini, usaha itu saja belum cukup. Anda membutuhkan REPOSITIONING.
Pendekatan baru yang sangat brilian terhadap psikologi ... [selengkapnya]
| 190. |
| | oleh McGraw-Hill *** Out of Print *** [selengkapnya]
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Good Fight
Dia tak benar-benar mencintaimu, kau dan aku sama-sama tahu itu.
Dibawakannya kau bunga, tetapi bukan kesukaanmu. Digenggamnya jemarimu, tetapi tidak cukup mesra. Dia mencium bibir ...