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oleh L. K. Peterson, Cheryl Dangel Cullen, Cheryl Dangel Cullen
*** Out of Print ***
Here is a resource that every designer needs. This handy guide illustrates how to choose just the right colors for any internationa[ design assignment. Each chapter defines how the seven basic colors are viewed in more than forty countries and on six continents-what the traditional Local meanings ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Lady Wilson
*** Out of Print ***
"The Fifth Edition of Business Forecasting" is the most practical forecasting book on the market with the most powerful software - "Forecast X". This new edition presents a broad-based survey of business forecasting methods including subjective and objective approaches. As always, the author team ...  [selengkapnya]


Sistem Informasi Manajemen 1 Edisi. 18  - Soft Cover, Kertas HVS - 2008-00-00
oleh Laudon, Laudon (Pearson)
*** Out of Print ***


Sistem Informasi Manajemen 2 Edisi. 18  - Soft Cover, Kertas HVS - 2008-00-00
oleh Laudon, Laudon (Pearson)
*** Out of Print ***


oleh Laura Tyson Li
*** Out of Print ***
Now in paperback, Madame Chiang Kai-shek is the first biography of one of history’s most intriguing and controversial political figures. Beautiful, brilliant, and captivating, Madame Chiang Kai-shek seized unprecedented power during China’s long and violent civil war. She ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Laura Tyson Li
*** Out of Print ***
Madame Chiang Kai-shek — a Booklist Editors' Choice for 2006 is the first biography of one of the most controversial and fascinating women of the twentieth century. Raised in a powerful Chinese family, the beautiful, brilliant, and captivating Soong Mayling married ...  [selengkapnya]


Exes Anonymous Klub Patah Hati  - Soft Cover - 2008-10-00
oleh Lauren Henderson
*** Out of Print ***
Rebecca putus dari Patrick lima bulan lalu. Dia baik-baik saja. Oke, memang kamarnya telah berubah menjadi semacam kuil pemujaan bagi Patrick, tapi sumpah deh, dia baik-baik saja. Entah kenapa, Davey, sahabatnya, tidak beranggapan begitu. Dia bilang, Rebecca membutuhkan bantuan karena obsesinya ...  [selengkapnya]


Catalyst - Katalis  - Soft Cover - 2011-01-11
oleh Laurie Halse Anderson
*** Out of Print ***
Kate Malone: pintar, mendapat nilai A untuk semua mata pelajaran, anak perempuan pendeta, dan pelari jarak jauh. Ia mampu mengatur hidupnya dengan baik dan menghabiskan waktu mengurus keluarganya sementara, pada saat yang sama, mencoba diterima di universitas impiannya, MIT. Ia sering berlari pada ...  [selengkapnya]


Speak  - Paperback - 2001-04-23
oleh Laurie Halse Anderson
*** Out of Print ***
Since the beginning of the school year, high school freshman Melinda has found that it's been getting harder and harder for her to speak out loud: "My throat is always sore, my lips raw.... Every time I try to talk to my parents or a teacher, I sputter or freeze.... It's like I have some kind of ...  [selengkapnya]


Twisted  - Hard Cover - 2007-03-20
oleh Laurie Halse Anderson
*** Out of Print ***
High school senior Tyler Miller used to be the kind of guy who faded into the backgroundaverage student, average looks, average dysfunctional family. But since he got busted for doing graffiti on the school, and spent the summer doing outdoor work to pay for it, he stands out like you wouldnt ...  [selengkapnya]

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Oda Nobunaga: Sang Penakluk dari Owari 3

Nobunaga memanggil lima anak buah andalannya dan mengumumkan bahwa ia yakin akan menguasai seluruh Jepang. Dia menyuruh mereka memilih sebuah negeri sebagai hadiah darinya.
