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Hasil Pencarian untuk "So He"
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oleh Holistic Health Solution
Rp 30.500      Rp 25.925


oleh Holistic Health Solution
Rp 30.500      Rp 25.925


Super Foods for Kids  - Soft Cover - 2011-06-00
oleh Holistic Health Solution
Rp 38.000      Rp 32.300
Jangan salahkan keturunan yang tidak pintar yang membuat anak Anda kurang “berjaya” di sekolah. Nilai, motivasi, dan IQ anak tidak diukir di batu alias tak bisa diubah. Ini berarti Anda bisa melakukan beberapa hal yang sangat mudah untuk membantu anak super sukses di sekolah.



oleh Ian A. Greer MD FRCP(Glas) FRCPE FRCP FRCPI FRCOG FRCOG FMedSci, Catherine Nelson-Piercy MA FRCP, Barry Walters FRACP FRANZCOG
Rp 1.072.500      Rp 965.250
This is a major new textbook on medical disorders and medical complications in pregnancy, which provides an authoritative and practical guide to the management of these potentially life-threatening conditions. Written in a consistent, accessible style, the book discusses each medical problem at all ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Ian A. Greer MD FRCP(Glas) FRCPE FRCP FRCPI FRCOG FRCOG FMedSci, Catherine Nelson-Piercy MA FRCP, Barry Walters FRACP FRANZCOG
Rp 1.072.500      Rp 965.250
This is a major new textbook on medical disorders and medical complications in pregnancy, which provides an authoritative and practical guide to the management of these potentially life-threatening conditions. Written in a consistent, accessible style, the book discusses each medical problem at all ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Ir. Hery Sonawan & Abdurrahim Halim
Rp 22.800      Rp 15.960
Microsoft Excel sebagai software spreadsheet dilengkapi dengan beragam pilihan fungsi yang sangat berguna dan efektif. Sebut saja fungsi finansial, database, statistik dan tentu saja fungsi matematika. Banyaknya jenis fungsi yang dimiliki oleh Excel ternyata cukup membingungkan pengguna, apalagi ...  [selengkapnya]


Cara Tepat Penggemukan Sapi Potong  - Soft Cover - 2014-08-00
oleh Ir.Herry Soeprapto,MP , Ir.Zainal Abidin
Rp 13.000      Rp 10.400


oleh Jack S. Remington MD, Jerome O. Klein MD, Christopher B. Wilson MD, Victor Nizet, Yvonne Maldonado
Rp 2.200.000      Rp 1.980.000

Infectious Diseases of the Fetus and Newborn Infant, written and edited by Drs. Remington, Klein, Wilson, Nizet, and Maldonado, remains the definitive source of information in this field. The 7th edition of this authoritative reference provides the most up-to-date and complete ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh James A. Garrity, John Warren Henderson
Rp 2.629.000      Rp 2.366.100

A complete update of a classic reference by specialists at the Mayo Clinic, Henderson's Orbital Tumors, Fourth Edition collates the Clinic's fifty years' experience in managing tumors involving the orbit. Drawing on case reports and extensive follow-up data from over 1,700 patients ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh James Henderson
Rp 264.000      Rp 237.600
The 5th Edition of "Health Economics and Policy (with Economic Application), International Edition" thoroughly demonstrates how microeconomic principles apply to health care delivery and its policies. The text explores the changing nature of health care, as well as the social and political sides of ...  [selengkapnya]

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Triasmara (Ketika Cinta Harus Segitiga)
"Oliver, Roody, dan Reno adalah tiga nama pria yang ada di hati gue. Ketiganya bisa membuat gue bahagia. Oliver, ya Oliver…, pria yang bisa membuat gue jatuh cinta akan kebencian gue dari ...   
