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oleh Barbara Taylor
*** Out of Print ***


Emma's Secret  - Mass Market Paperback - 2004-02-11
oleh Barbara Taylor Bradford
*** Out of Print ***
Paula O'Neil has inherited her grandmother Emma Harte's dream for success-a magnificent business empire in London shared by Paula's daughters, Linnet and Tessa. Yet their future is far less secure than any woman imagines. For beneath the dazzling surface, flares a rivalry and discontent that leave ...  [selengkapnya]


Just Rewards  - Mass Market Paperback - 2006-02-00
oleh Barbara Taylor Bradford
*** Out of Print ***
In this sweeping novel, the Harte women find themselves in the midst of weddings, in the hold of intrigue, and at the crossroads of the old ways and the new. Linnet O'Neill, great-granddaughter of Emma Harte, finds herself following in the footsteps of the original woman of substance as she battles ...  [selengkapnya]


JUST REWARDS (EMMA HARTE)  - Paperback - 2006-00-00
*** Out of Print ***
In this sweeping novel, the Harte women find themselves in the midst of weddings, in the hold of intrigue, and at the crossroads of the old ways and the new. Linnet O'Neill, great-granddaughter of Emma Harte, finds herself following in the footsteps of the original woman of substance as she battles ...  [selengkapnya]


Merenda Hari Esok - Everything to Gain  - Soft Cover - 0000-00-00
oleh Barbara Taylor Bradford
*** Out of Print ***


oleh Barbara Taylor Bradford
*** Out of Print ***


Unexpected Blessings (Emma Harte Saga)  - Mass Market Paperback - 2005-04-10
oleh Barbara Taylor Bradford
*** Out of Print ***
The new blockbuster from one of the world's greatest storytellers delves into the life of Emma Harte-the original Woman of Substance-and the ambitious, passionate, and volatile women of the next generations. Evan Hughes, Emma's American great-granddaughter, is trying to integrate into the powerful ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Barbara Victor
*** Out of Print ***
"Kalian adalah laskar mawarku yang akan meluluhlantakkan tank-tank Israel!" seru Yasser Arafat pada suatu pagi. Sore harinya, untuk pertama kalinya seorang perempuan melakukan aksi bom syahid. Hari itu, 27 Januari 2002, perlawanan rakyat Palestina memasuki babak baru.Di bawah tekanan penjajahan ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Barbara Walker
*** Out of Print ***
Distinctive in form and detail, Balinese architecture celebrates the concept of gathering, from traditional vernacular architecture to modern homes and resorts. This book explores the features and elements that define Balinese architecture as an architecture made for gatheringpavilions, temples, ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Barbara Weltman, Jerry Silberman
*** Out of Print ***

Owning a small business can be a fulfilling and financially rewarding experience, but to be successful, you must know what to do before starting a business; what to do while the business is up and running; and, most importantly, what to do when the business runs into trouble.

With a ...  [selengkapnya]

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The Secret of Staying Young
Bertambahnya usia sering kali ditandai berbagai keluhan kesehatan, seperti nyeri pada persendian, berat badan yang tak terkontrol, kulit yang kusam, dan fisik yang mudah lelah. Stamina yang berkurang ...   
