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Logika CEO  - Soft Cover - 0000-00-00
Jurus Berpikir dan Bertindak Seorang CEO
oleh C. Ray Johnson
Rp 110.000      Rp 82.500


oleh C. William III Hanson
Rp 1.760.000      Rp 1.584.000

A Complete “Visual Atlas” for Core Critical-Care Procedures

"As a practicing nurse for more than 30 years and currently a clinical risk manager, I can say that this book as a reference has multiple uses. Most importantly, it serves as an educational reference tool for ...  [selengkapnya]


Koloni Jagoan #4 [Clearance Sale]  - Soft Cover - 2011-03-08
oleh C.Suryo Laksono, Damar Adhi, Galang Tirtakusuma, Kucing Kampung
Rp 18.500      Rp 12.950


oleh Campbell R. McConnell, Stanley L. Brue, David MacPherson
Rp 363.000      Rp 326.700
"Contemporary Labor Economics, 7e" presents the "new" labor economics. In the past, study of labor was highly descriptive, emphasizing historical developments, facts, institutions, and legal considerations. Labor markets and unemployment was accorded some attention, but the analysis was typically ...  [selengkapnya]


Panduan Untuk Penderita Leukemia  - Soft Cover - 0000-00-00
oleh Candis Morrison, PhD, CRNP, Charles S. Hesdorff er, MBBCh, MMED
Rp 45.000      Rp 38.250


oleh Carie A Braun, Cindy M Anderson
Rp 588.500      Rp 529.650
The Second Edition of Pathophysiology offers a unique clinical approach that facilitates learning by viewing pathophysiology as health care professionals do. Whereas a traditional systems-based approach impractically isolates diseases to a single body system, this textbook's ...  [selengkapnya]


Dasar Akuntansi Untuk Sekretaris  - Soft Cover - 1988-00-00
Rp 108.000      Rp 81.000


oleh Carlson
Rp 484.000      Rp 435.600
"Physical Geology: Earth Revealed" is appropriate for introductory physical geology classes. This text, which includes the same information as the market-leading "Physical Geology - 13th Edition", by Plummer/Carlson, is for the instructor who prefers to cover plate tectonics early in the course. ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Carlson
Rp 299.200      Rp 269.280
"Physical Geology: Earth Revealed" is appropriate for introductory physical geology classes. This text, which includes the same information as the market-leading "Physical Geology - 13th Edition", by Plummer/Carlson, is for the instructor who prefers to cover plate tectonics early in the course. ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Carlson Diane
Rp 308.000      Rp 277.200
Physical Geology  [selengkapnya]

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