1601. | 
| | oleh Jajang A.Sonjaya *** Out of Print *** Merupakan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan di Nias terhadap asal-usul mereka, upacara-upacara adat dan kebudayaan yang berkembang di Nias. Buku ini istimewa karena kejelian peneliti dalam mengenali dan memahami budaya Nias, apalagi latar belakang penulis yang sangat berbeda dengan objek ... [selengkapnya]
1602. | 
| | oleh James A. Hall (Thomson) *** Out of Print *** [selengkapnya]
1603. | 
| | - Soft Cover, Kertas HVS - 2008-00-00 oleh James A. Hall (Thomson) *** Out of Print *** [selengkapnya]
1604. | 
| | oleh James A. Hall (Thomson) *** Out of Print *** [selengkapnya]
1605. | 
| | oleh James and Andrew Gross Patterson *** Out of Print *** Working as a lifeguard in a posh Florida resort, Ned Kelley finds the woman of his dreams. The only thing he needs is money. So when his friends offer to cut him into a deal that promises $1,000,000 each, how can he turn it down? The plan is simplea fast break-and-enter to grab paintings from a ... [selengkapnya]
1606. | 
| | oleh James Benson & Paul Karasik *** Out of Print *** Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, industri keuangan telah mengalami banyak perubahan struktural dinamis yang secara mendalam memengaruhi proses penjualan. Karena sangat merasa dirugikan oleh volatilitas pasar, konsumen masa kini sangat skeptis dan menuntut jauh lebih banyak dengan biaya jauh lebih ... [selengkapnya]
1607. | 
| | oleh James C. Dobson *** Out of Print *** 2002 Gold Medallion Award winner! Sensible advice and caring encouragement on raising boys from the nation's most trusted parenting expert, Dr.James Dobson. With so much confusion about the role of men in our society, it's no wonder so many parents and teachers are at a loss about how to ... [selengkapnya]
1608. | 
| | oleh James F. Epperson *** Out of Print *** Emphasis on "cause and effect" in numerical mathematics. * Flexibility with computing languages--the book is not specific to any one computing language. [selengkapnya]
1609. | 
| | oleh James Grayson Trulove *** Out of Print ***
Following up on the successful book 25 Houses under 2500 Square Feet, this title will continue to explore, though case studies, the joys of living in compact, well designed homes. The 25 houses presented in the book offer an extraordinary range of architectural solutions for designing ... [selengkapnya]
1610. | 
| | oleh James Grayson Trulove *** Out of Print ***
Through exquisite photography and drawings, this book presents romantic and dramatic cottages in a range of styles from the contemporary to the traditional.Placing particular emphasis on interior design, it displays beautiful decoration as well as focusing on the design of such very cottage-like ... [selengkapnya]