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Hasil Pencarian untuk "Simon"
Displaying 141 to 150 (of 193 books)

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English Readers: One of Those Days  - Soft Cover - 2003-01-00
oleh Simon Haines
*** Out of Print ***
Seri English Readers adalah bacaan berbahasa Inggris yang didesain secara khusus untuk para peminat dan pembelajar bahasa Inggris tingkat intermediate. Dengan topik cerita yang menarik dan beragam mulai dari masalah keluarga, persahabatan, binatang piaraan, komputer, kriminalitas, sampai dengan ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Simon Haykin, Michael Moher
*** Out of Print ***
This best-selling, easy to read book offers the most complete discussion on the theories and principles behind today's most advanced communications systems. Throughout, Haykin emphasizes the statistical underpinnings of communication theory in a complete and detailed manner. Readers are guided ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Simon Joinsen
*** Out of Print ***
"Simple Yet Imaginative Ideas for Every Digital Camera Owner

*Includes basic but effective photo-manipulation techniques *Cleverly organized in a fun format with 250 color illustrations *Written by the author of Get The Most From Your Digital Camera, now available in six languages

Whether ...  [selengkapnya]


Get The Most From Your Digital Camera  - Paperback - 2004-10-15
oleh Simon Joinson
*** Out of Print ***
An easy-to-follow and practical guide to exactly what can be done with the digital camera. From basic information about what a digital camera can do, to simple and easy-to-follow methods of touching up your photographs, the book goes on to give invaluable tips and ideas on using digital photography ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Simon Joinson
*** Out of Print ***
Applicable to all digital cameras from the most basic compacts on up.

From basic information about what a digital camera can do, to simple and easy-to-follow methods of touching up your photographs, Get the Most from your Digital Camera gives invaluable tips and ideas on using digital ...  [selengkapnya]


Launching - for Marketer and Entrepreneur  - Soft Cover - 2007-11-00
oleh Simon Jonathan
*** Out of Print ***
Buku ini menyajikan pengalaman sangat berharga dari 14 tokoh dunia usaha yang pernah gagal dengan 'new product launching', namun kemudian bangkit dan berhasil meraih sukses berkat 'launching' berikutnya. Tanpa bermaksud mengabaikan tokoh-tokoh sukses lainnya, pemilihan ke-14 tokoh yang menjadi ...  [selengkapnya]


Mae West: It Ain't No Sin  - Hard Cover - 2006-11-14
oleh Simon Louvish
*** Out of Print ***
Sex goddess, Hollywood star, transgressive playwright, author, blues singer, and vaudeville brat---Mae West remains the twentieth century’s greatest comedienne. She made an everlasting mark in trailblazing Broadway plays such as Sex and The Constant Sinner and in films ...  [selengkapnya]


The Gospel of Judas  - Paperback - 2005-07-07
oleh Simon Mawer
*** Out of Print ***


Sashenka  - Soft Cover - 2010-06-00
oleh Simon Montefiore
*** Out of Print ***
Terilhami kisah nyata, sejarawan Simon Montefiore menuturkan kisah epik Sashenka Zeitlin dalam novel yang amat memukau ini. Sashenka Zeitlin adalah bangsawan Yahudi Rusia yang tertangkap dalam kisah asmara revolusi dan kemudian dihancurkan oleh polisi rahasia Stalin. Sebelum itu, setahun menjelang ...  [selengkapnya]


Lonely Planet Cape Town  - Paperback - 2006-10-00
oleh Simon Richmond
*** Out of Print ***
At the southern tip of Africa, this city is an enticing taste of an entire continent. Somewhere between the good looks of this cosmopolitan city and the realities of its surrounding suburbs is the true Cape Town. Eat out at the local hot spots, surf the secret breaks, or drum a tabletop to the ...  [selengkapnya]

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101 Info tentang Nabi dan Rasul
Menambah pengetahuan seputar nabi dan Rasul. Membentuk akhlak mulia ada nabi, ada rasul. Hmmm ... bedanya apa, ya? Berapa sih, jumlah nabi dan rasul? Apa sih, tugas nabi dan rasul? Apa saja ...   
