Hasil Pencarian untuk "HILL"
Displaying 141 to 150 (of 257 books)
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| 141. |
| | Competing in The Global Marketplace oleh Charles Hill *** Out of Print *** Market-defining since it was first introduced, "International Business, 8e" by Charles W. L. Hill, continues to set the standard for international business textbooks. In writing the book, Charles Hill draws on his experience in teaching, writing, and global consulting to create the most thorough, ... [selengkapnya]
| 142. |
| | oleh Charles W.L. Hill *** Out of Print *** Global Business Today has become an established text in the International Business market for its excellent, but concise coverage of the key global issues including the cultural context for global business, cross-border trade and investment, the global monetary system and competition in the global ... [selengkapnya]
| 143. |
| | oleh Charles W.L. Hill, Steven Lattimore McShane *** Out of Print *** [selengkapnya]
| 144. |
| | oleh China Williams, George Dunford, Rafael Wlodarski, Simone Egger, Matt Phillips, Nick Ray, Robert Reid, Paul Smitz, Tasmin Waby, Matt Warren *** Out of Print *** The original and the best, Lonely Planet's `yellow bible' is your ticket to endless adventure in Southeast Asia. Want nonstop parties in 24-hour cities? Feel like sunning your skin on a deserted, white-sand beach? Picture yourself having tea with a remote hilltribe? Written by backpackers for ... [selengkapnya]
| 145. |
| | oleh Christopher Phillips *** Out of Print *** "Hidup yang tidak pernah direfleksikan adalah hidup yang tak pantas dijalani." Dengan keyakinan itu, Socrates pergi ke pasar, ke jalan-jalan, dan ke berbagai tempat untuk berbicara dengan orang-orang di sana. Ia mengajak mereka mempertanyakan berbagai hal dan membantu mereka menemukan kebenaran ... [selengkapnya]
| 146. |
| | oleh Conrad Phillip Kottak *** Out of Print *** [selengkapnya]
| 147. |
| | oleh Conrad Phillip Kottak *** Out of Print *** [selengkapnya]
| 148. |
| | oleh David K. Eiteman, Arthur I. Stonehill, Michael H. Moffett *** Out of Print *** New, ship fast, delivered in 5 days in UK. No PO Box. [selengkapnya]
| 149. |
| | oleh David L. Phillips *** Out of Print *** A disenchanted government insider's take on the planning that did go on for postwar Iraq-planning that the Bush administration willfully ignored According to conventional wisdom, Iraq has suffered because the Bush administration had no plan for reconstruction. That's not the case; the State ... [selengkapnya]
| 150. |
| | Edisi 9 Jilid 1 oleh Eiteman, Stonehill, Meffett *** Out of Print *** Buku ini mengenai manajemen keuangan pada perusahaan multinasional. Digunakan di fakultas ekonomi jurusan manejemen atau akuntansi S1. Mahasiswa S2 manajemen atau Magister Manajemen (MM) menggunakan buku ini. Isinya mengenai cara mencari dana dan menggunakan dana bagi perusahaan yang memiliki ... [selengkapnya]
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Al-Qur'an Kitab Cinta
Dengan pemikiran yang logis dan bahasa yang menyentuh, Dr. Said Ramadhan Al-Buthy mengajak kita menggali Al-Qur’an untuk menemukan rahasia mendapatkan cinta Ilahi. Tidak mudah memang, tetapi ulama ...