Hasil Pencarian untuk "Son"
Displaying 1291 to 1300 (of 2321 books)
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| 1291. | 
| | oleh Becca Blond, Aaron Anderson *** Out of Print *** Tradition and innovation are twin pillars in America's captial city, where grand monuments beckon, memorials inspire and power browkers cut deals in Downtown bistros and Georgetown bars. Washington, DC appeals with attractions as diverse as the nation's population. Our savvy authors scour the ... [selengkapnya]
| 1292. | 
| | oleh Ben Anderson, dkk; Farid Wahdiyono *** Out of Print *** Buku ini adalah kumpulan tulisan hasil pengamatan para indonesianis asing atas peristiwa reformasi dan pergeser- an kekuasaan yang terjadi di Indonesia.Variasi pandangan yang dikemukakannya sangat menarik kalau dilihat sebagai perspektif kritis �orang luar�.
Tentu karena orang luar, para ... [selengkapnya]
| 1293. | 
| | oleh Ben Schoen, Emerson Spartz, Andy Gordon, Gretchen Stull, Jamie Lawrence *** Out of Print ***
As anticipation of the final Harry Potter book intensifies, a debate is raging among fans about what’s in store for Harry and the rest of the gang at Hogwart's. In this book, the experts at MuggleNet.com present a wide range of hard facts and bold predictions about the most popular ... [selengkapnya] |
| 1294. | 
| | oleh Benedict R. O'G Anderson *** Out of Print *** [selengkapnya]
| 1295. | 
| | oleh Benedict R. O'g Anderson *** Out of Print *** In this lively book, Benedict R. O'G. Anderson explores the cultural and political contradictions that have arisen from two critical facts in Indonesian history: that while the Indonesian nation is young, the Indonesian nation is ancient originating in the early seventeenth-century Dutch conquests; ... [selengkapnya]
| 1296. | 
| | oleh Benjamin Graham, Jason Zweig *** Out of Print *** Among the library of investment books promising no-fail strategies for riches, Benjamin Graham's classic, The Intelligent Investor, offers no guarantees or gimmicks but overflows with the wisdom at the core of all good portfolio management. The hallmark of Graham's philosophy is not ... [selengkapnya]
| 1297. | 
| | oleh Benoit Mandelbrot, Richard L. Hudson *** Out of Print *** From the inventor of fractal geometry, a revolutionary new theory that overturns our understanding of how markets work. Benoit B. Mandelbrot, one of the century's most influential mathematicians, is world-famous for making mathematical sense of a fact everybody knows but that geometers from ... [selengkapnya]
| 1298. | 
| | oleh Benson Bobrick *** Out of Print *** "In a horoscope he cast in 1647 for Charles I, William Lilly, a noted English astrologer, made the following judgment: ""Luna is with Antares, a violent fixed star, which is said to denote violent death, and Mars is approaching Caput Algol, which is said to denote beheading."" Two years later the ... [selengkapnya]
| 1299. | 
| | oleh Bernard W. Taylor III (Pearson) *** Out of Print *** Sains Manajemen sebagai suatu ilmu tidak lain adalah aplikasi matematika dalam penyelesaian masalah-masalah yang dihadapi seorang manajer. Walaupun banyak menggunakan matematika, buku ini menyampaikan pembahasannya secara sederhana. Topik-topik seperti linear programming, integer programming, ... [selengkapnya]
| 1300. | 
| | oleh Bill Bryson *** Out of Print *** From primordial nothingness to this very moment, A Short History of Nearly Everything reports what happened and how humans figured it out. To accomplish this daunting literary task, Bill Bryson uses hundreds of sources, from popular science books to interviews with luminaries in various ... [selengkapnya]
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1,000 Places to See Before You Die: A Traveler's Life List
Around the World, continent by continent, here is the best the world has to offer: 1,000 places guaranteed to give travelers the shivers. Sacred ruins, grand hotels, wildlife preserves, hilltop ...
