Hasil Pencarian untuk "Susan R"
Displaying 111 to 120 (of 251 books)
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| 111. | 
| | Tinjuan Ulang oleh Susan Blackburn
Rp 75.000 Rp 63.750 [selengkapnya]
| 112. | 
| | oleh Susan C. deWit MSN RN CNS PHN
Rp 240.900 Rp 216.810
Much more than just a calendar, Saunders Student Nurse Planner, 2012-2013 will quickly become your lifeline with its wealth of organizational tools, clinical information, and helpful nursing school guidance all within one compact and versatile resource. Designed specifically for busy ... [selengkapnya]
| 113. | 
| | oleh Susan C. Lester MD PhD
Rp 1.595.000 Rp 1.435.500
Dr. Lester's Manual of Surgical Pathology, 3rd Edition offers complete, practical guidance on the evaluation of the surgical pathology specimen, from its arrival in the department to preparation of the final report. Inside, you'll find step-by-step instructions on specimen processing, tissue ... [selengkapnya]
| 114. | 
| | oleh Susan C. Taylor MD, Sonia Badreshia-Bansal MD, Valerie D. Callender MD, Raechele C. Gathers MD, David A. Rodriguez MD
Rp 1.870.000 Rp 1.683.000
Written to address conditions specifically associated with ethnic disparities in skin types, Treatments for Skin of Color, by Susan C. Taylor, Sonia Badreshia, Valerie D. Callender, Raechele Cochran Gathers and David A. Rodriguez helps you effectively diagnose and treat a wide-range of skin ... [selengkapnya]
| 115. | 
Rp 40.000 Rp 30.000 Rupanya bukan hanya manusia yang suka tidak puas dengan penampilan mereka, hewan pun demikian. Namun, apa jadinya jika keinginan para hewan itu terkabul. Akan seaneh apa kebun binatang tempat mereka tinggal? [selengkapnya]
| 116. | 
| | oleh SUSAN ELROD
Rp 160.000 Rp 120.000 Dalam buku ini, Anda akan menemukan :
1. Bab-bab baru mengenai struktur dan regulasi gen, pewarisan mitokondrial, dan genetika perkembangan.
2. Soal-soal latihan yang melengkapi setiap materi kuliah.
3. Pembahasan yang menyeluruh mengenai pewarisan klasik dan gnetika populasi, ... [selengkapnya]
| 117. | 
| | Casper - Soft Cover - 2011-11-00 Si Kucing Lucu Penumpang Bus oleh Susan Finden, Linda Watson-Brown
Rp 44.000 Rp 37.400
Dituturkan dengan mengharukan oleh si pemilik yang sangat mengasihinya, Casper si Kucing Lucu Penumpang Bus adalah kisah menyentuh seekor kucing istimewa yang senang menumpang bus dan kemudian mencuri hati kita.
| 118. | 
| | oleh Susan Gauge SRN SCM ONC ADM
Rp 740.300 Rp 666.270
CTG Made Easy 4th edition continues the successful format of previous editions, offering a practical guide to all health professionals involved in monitoring the fetal heart rate during labour, and specifically in the interpretation of CTG traces. The workbook approach remains, ... [selengkapnya]
| 119. | 
| | oleh Susan Gearhart MD, Nita Ahuja MD
Rp 1.375.000 Rp 1.237.500 Each volume in the Early Detection and Treatment of Cancer Series is packed with practical, authoritative information designed to cover the full range of diagnostic procedures, including pathologic, radiologic, bronchoscopic, and surgical aspects. You'll be able to determine the safest, shortest, ... [selengkapnya]
| 120. | 
| | oleh Susan Hallam, Lynne Rogers
Rp 577.500 Rp 519.750 Behaviour remains a huge issue of concern at all levels of education. This book draws together research and practice to uncover the complexities of improving behaviour and attendance in school and offers a range of practical solutions aimed at tackling behavioural issues and its prevention for ... [selengkapnya]
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Kau menganggapku seorang putri, bukan? Lalu, apa jadinya jika kau tahu, sosok putri yang diam-diam menyergap hatimu ini hanya seorang makhluk aneh kesepian, yang kehilangan jati dirinya. Apakah cinta ...
