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Hasil Pencarian untuk "Simon"
Displaying 111 to 120 (of 193 books)

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Lonely Planet Switzerland  - Paperback - 2006-06-00
oleh Damien Simonis, Sarah Johnstone
*** Out of Print ***
The winter playground of St Moritz, outrageous clubbing in Zurich, culture vultures in Basel, cosmopolitan Geneva - Switzerland is three countries rolled into one. Our Helvetic experts help you break down the cliches and discover something a little bit different.

Museums, mountains, ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Daniel Benjamin, Steven Simon
*** Out of Print ***
We are losing. Five years after the September 11 attacks, America finds its strategic position deteriorating in the global war on terror. In The Next Attack, former White House counterterrorism experts Daniel Benjamin and Steven Simon show how the terrorist threat has evolved since 9/11 and how ...  [selengkapnya]


Instant Guide to Horses (Instant Guides)  - Hard Cover - 2000-07-03
oleh David Burn, Cecilia Fitzsimons
*** Out of Print ***
Compact, handy, accessible guide that assumes no previous knowledge of the subject, and provides a simple system of color-coded bands and symbols to the various sections of the book. Detailed, full-color illustrations throughout, and a concise but informative text make learning about the ...  [selengkapnya]


Kebudayaan dan Waktu Senggang  - Soft Cover - 2008-00-00
oleh Fransiskus Simon
*** Out of Print ***
Buku ini mengingatkan bahwa kebudayaan bukanlah sekadar barang antik di museum, bukan pula sekadar realitas terberi yang mesti diterima saja, melainkan perlu juga diubah dengan dekonstruksi dan strategi, agar terus berevolusi. Untuk itu kekuatan ?waktu senggang? perlu dipikirkan, dikritisi dan ...  [selengkapnya]


Akunting Tinggi Jilid 3  - Soft Cover - 1992-00-00
oleh Harry Simons
*** Out of Print ***
Buku ini terdiri dari empat jilid,berisi uraian yang rinci dan mendalam mengenai akuntansi. Dipakai sebagai buku ajar ( text book ) yang telah menjadi pegangan utama bagi mahasiswa jurusan akuntansi di perguruan tinggi/akademi negeri maupun swasta.   [selengkapnya]


Prilaku Administrasi  - Soft Cover - 2007-00-00
oleh Helbret A.Simon
*** Out of Print ***


Bekerja di Bank Itu Mudah  - Soft Cover - 2004-02-00
oleh John Simon
*** Out of Print ***
Sebelum krisis moneter mengempaskan negeri ini dalam krisis ekonomi yang berkepanjangan, bekerja di bank tampaknya menggiurkan banyak orang. Apalagi kala itu, bank-bank baru terus bermunculan dan yang lama terus melebarkan sayapnya ke berbagai pelosok daerah. Namun, badai moneter dan ekonomi ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Justine Vaisutis, Lindsey Brown, Simone Egger, Miriam Raphael
*** Out of Print ***
Admit it: you're here for the beaches, aren't you? Sure, we all know that Queensland's also got great dining, a thriving, accessible indigenous culture and a healthy international vibe. But it's the sun-kissed beaches, gentle warm sea and coral reef you're really here for, isn't it?

• ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Marcia Smith Pasqualini, Gwenda Simons
*** Out of Print ***
This manual provides the information and materials needed to conduct an eight-session patient education programme for people with Parkinson’s disease and their carers, complementing medical treatment. This programme was developed within an interdisciplinary European consortium, comprising ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh Perla Bensimon
*** Out of Print ***
Attention all special forces: dangerous criminals have just robbed a bank and are on the run with millions of stolen dollars! Only the bravest members of the SWAT Team can keep the city safe in this exciting new Mighty Machines play set. Young readers can imagine themselves as SWAT Team ...  [selengkapnya]

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Cinta Kamu, Aku
"...  kalo ditanya apa saya masih sayang dia, saya akan jawab 'nggak'...
dan kalo sekarang saya ditanya, kapan ...   
