Hasil Pencarian untuk "SMITH"
Displaying 101 to 110 (of 211 books)
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| 101. |
| | oleh SMITH M.J., M.SC., C.ENG.,MICE
Rp 55.000 Rp 41.250 [selengkapnya]
| 102. |
| | oleh SMITH M.J., M.SC., C.ENG.,MICE
Rp 105.000 Rp 78.750 [selengkapnya]
| 103. |
| | oleh Steven M. Yentis BSc MBBS MD MA FRCA, Nicholas P. Hirsch MBBS FRCA FRCP FFICM, Gary B. Smith BM FRCA FRCP
Rp 1.292.500 Rp 1.163.250 New edition of a popular encyclopaedia of anaesthesia and intensive care medicine now greatly expanded with many additional entries and new artworks.- Covers all aspects of anaesthesia and critical care medicine - pharmacology, physiology, anatomy, physics, statistics, medicine, surgery, ... [selengkapnya]
| 104. |
| | oleh Tim Smith
Rp 217.250 Rp 195.525 Becoming the top-ranking sales rep is the burning desire in the hearts of thousands of reps. This heated competition to become number one exists at virtually every company that has a sales force of two or more people.Now readers can achieve this goal with Loyalty-Based Selling. Unveiling seven ... [selengkapnya]
| 105. |
| | oleh Todaro, Smith
Rp 223.000 Rp 167.250 [selengkapnya]
| 106. |
| | oleh Tom Williams, Brian Smith
Rp 660.000 Rp 594.000 The role of the operating department practitioner has evolved considerably in recent years, and both trainee and practising ODPs need a practical, up-to-date resource on terminology and current practice. Each entry in the second edition of Operating Department Practice A-Z has been fully updated ... [selengkapnya]
| 107. |
| | oleh Warren Smith
Rp 1.287.000 Rp 1.158.300
The Latest Advances in Optical Engineering and Lens Technology Long-established as the definitive optics text and reference, Modern Optical Engineering has been completely revised and updated to equip you with all the latest optical and lens advances. The Fourth ... [selengkapnya]
| 108. |
| | oleh Wolfgang Preiser, Korydon H. Smith
Rp 1.650.000 Rp 1.485.000
The Latest Advances in Universal Design Thoroughly updated and packed with examples of global standards and design solutions, Universal Design Handbook, Second Edition, covers the full scope of universal design, discussing how to develop media, products, buildings, and ... [selengkapnya]
| 109. |
| | oleh Alastair Smith *** Out of Print *** [selengkapnya]
| 110. |
| | oleh Alastair Smith *** Out of Print *** Jaman dahulu kala, berbagai macam dinosaurus menguasai buku. Ada yang sebesar rumah tapi lembut, ada yang sebesar ayam tapi ganas. Bukalah lipatan-lipatan dalam buku ini untuk mengenal kehidupan dan dunia makhluk-makhluk luar biasa tersebut.
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