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Hasil Pencarian untuk "John G"
Displaying 91 to 100 (of 347 books)

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oleh John R. Haaga MD, Daniel Boll
Rp 3.575.000      Rp 3.217.500
The updated 5th edition of this easy-to-read, comprehensive resource is now in full color to provide you with enhanced understanding of this highly visual field. Clinically focused, it provides quick access to step-by-step descriptions of all MR and CT imaging applications in every anatomic area, ...  [selengkapnya]


Kanker Payudara Pencegahan & Pengobatannya  - Soft Cover - 2008-08-00
oleh John R. Lee, M.D. & David Zava, Ph.D. & Virginia Hopkins M.A.
Rp 75.000      Rp 63.750
Kanker payudara adalah penyakit mematikan, momok bagi kaum wanita. Metode pengobatan konvensional yang ada kerap tidak bisa membuat kondisi penderita menjadi lebih baik�bahkan bisa menimbulkan efek negatif. Tapi jangan khawatir. Dengan membaca buku ini, Anda bisa mengetahui berbagai cara ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh John S. C. English
Rp 1.364.000      Rp 1.227.600
This is a concise pictorial atlas that reflects common yet challenging problems for the general practitioner and dermatologist. Our series of investigative atlases have a compact, attractive four-colour format and numerous visual aids to create distinguished publications. The Atlas will help to ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh John S. Page
Rp 1.830.400      Rp 1.647.360
The author has had wide experience in cost and labour estimating, having worked for some of the largest construction firms in the world. He has made and assembled numerous types of estimates including lump-sum, hard-priced, and scope, and has conducted many time and method studies in the field and ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh John Schiller, A. Srinivasan, Murray Spiegel
Rp 121.000      Rp 108.900

If you are looking for a quick nuts-and-bolts overview, turn to Schaum's Easy Outlines!

Schaum's Easy Outline of Probability and Statistics is a pared-down, simplified, and tightly focused review of the topic. With an emphasis on clarity and brevity, it features a ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh John Schorge, Joseph Schaffer, Lisa Halvorson, Barbara Hoffman, Karen Bradshaw, F. Cunningham
Rp 869.000      Rp 782.100

The first guide to bridge the gap between medical and surgical gynecology

A Doody's Core Title

Written by clinicians from the same department of Obstetrics and Gynecology responsible for the landmark bestseller Williams Obstetrics, this full-color text ...  [selengkapnya]


oleh John Sommers-Flanagan, Rita Sommers-Flanagan
Rp 222.200      Rp 199.980
"In keeping with person-centered theory and therapy, John and Rita Sommers-Flanagan have produced a book that will be immensely helpful for professionals who work with parents. Throughout the pages, there are many examples of practitioners honoring and respecting parents and listening deeply to how ...  [selengkapnya]


Menyiapkan dan Mempraktikkan Khotbah Alkitabiah
oleh John Stott & Greg Scharf
Rp 40.000      Rp 34.000
Seri Pustaka Homiletika Tantangan dalam Berkhotbah Setiap pengkhotbah memiliki amanat yang penting untuk disampaikan. Amanat yang membuat pendengarnya rela duduk diam dan menyimak khotbah. Sayangnya, khotbah semacam itu kurang banyak ditemukan di gereja sekarang ini. Terlalu beratkah ...  [selengkapnya]


Masa Depan : Daur Ulang Sampah  - Soft Cover - 2009-07-09
oleh John Stringer
Rp 37.500      Rp 31.875


Masa Depan : Energi  - Soft Cover - 2009-09-00
oleh John Stringer
Rp 37.000      Rp 31.450

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1 Jam Membuat Boneka Mungil dari Kain Felt
Kain felt adalah sejenis flanel yang lebih tebal dan kaku. Kain yang berwarna-warni ini sangat cocok untuk dibuat berbagai jenis kerajinan tangan. Salah satu kreasi itu adalah membuat aneka boneka ...   
