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CURRENT Medical Diagnosis and Treatment 2010, Forty-Ninth Edition (LANGE CURRENT Series)

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CURRENT Medical Diagnosis and Treatment 2010, Forty-Ninth Edition (LANGE CURRENT Series) 
oleh: Stephen J. McPhee, Maxine Papadakis
> Buku Impor » Medicine

List Price :   Rp 412.500
Your Price :    Rp 371.250 (10% OFF)
Penerbit :    McGraw-Hill Medical
ISBN :    0071624449
ISBN-13 :    9780071624442
Tgl Penerbitan :    2009-09-22
Bahasa :    English
Halaman :    1756
Ukuran :    183x254x51 mm
Berat :    1905 gram
Tag :    buku impor 3-2
Sinopsis Buku:

The #1 annually updated text in internal medicine!

The annual classic that puts research where it belongs...into your practice

"This is for everyone looking for medical information, from house officers, residents, and practicing physicians to patients and family members. There is very little unnecessary text and the book is quite easy to use with a modicum of medical knowledge....This book has the tremendous benefit of being updated yearly and thus has stood the test of time for recognizing what is helpful and what works. It is well worth the price and a great addition to a primary care practitioner's library."--Doody's Review Service

Written by clinicians renowned in their respective fields, CMDT offers the most current insights into symptoms, signs, epidemiology, and treatment for more than 1,000 diseases and disorders. For each topic you'll find concise, evidence-based answers to questions regarding both hospital and ambulatory medicine. This streamlined reference is the fastest and easiest way to keep abreast of the latest medical advances, prevention strategies, cost-effective treatments, and more. As an added bonus, this is the first edition to offer additional material online at no additional cost. Chapters on anti-infective chemotherapeutic and antibiotic agents, diagnostic testing and medical decision making, basic genetics, and information technology in patient care care be found at!

More information on patient care in less text:

  • A strong focus on the clinical diagnosis and patient management tools essential to daily practice
  • Broad range of internal medicine and primary care topics, including gynecology and obstetrics, dermatology, neurology, and ophthalmology
  • The only text with an annual HIV infection update
  • Hundreds of drug treatment tables, with indexed trade names and updated prices -- plus helpful diagnostic and treatment algorithms
  • Recent references with PMID numbers for fast access to abstracts or full-text articles
  • ICD-9 codes are listed on the inside covers
  • Four online-only chapters available at no additional cost at


  • New topics include H1N1 influenza A, acute knee pain, vaccine safety, neuromyelitis optica, and Chikungunya fever
  • Expanded 24-page color insert
  • Rewritten Cancer chapter by new authors
  • New ACC/AHA Task Force Guidelines for management of congenital heart disease in pregnant women
  • Major revision of antithrombotic therapy

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