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Basic Nursing

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Basic Nursing 
oleh: Patricia A. Potter RN MSN PhD FAAN, Anne Griffin Perry RN EdD FAAN, Patricia Stockert RN BSN MS PhD, Amy Hall RN BSN MS PhD
> Buku Impor » Medicine

List Price :   Rp 907.500
Your Price :    Rp 816.750 (10% OFF)
Penerbit :    Mosby
ISBN :    0323058914
ISBN-13 :    9780323058919
Tgl Penerbitan :    2010-02-03
Bahasa :    English
Halaman :    1200
Ukuran :    224x284x51 mm
Berat :    2767 gram
Tag :    buku impor 3-2
Sinopsis Buku:

Basic Nursing is known for its direct, easy-to-read style and visually appealing design, making it perfect for busy nursing students. It covers all essential nursing principles, concepts, and skills and consistently follows the 5-step nursing process framework. With a strong focus on critical thinking, lead authors Patricia A. Potter and Anne Griffin Perry provide an excellent foundation for clinicals.

  • The 5-step nursing process provides you with a constant framework for all the clinical chapters.
  • Unique! Improved readability makes it easy to understand key concepts.
  • Care Plans demonstrate the application of the 5-step nursing process to individual patient problems.
  • Companion CD helps you learn and apply textbook content with tutorials, audio glossaries, and video clips highlighting different skills.
  • Audio chapter summaries allow for easy content review, even on the go.
  • English/Spanish audio glossary provides definitions and explanations of key terms.
  • Unique! Video icons direct you to videos of skills on the Evolve website for additional practice.
  • Each skill includes unexpected outcomes and related interventions to alert you to what might go wrong and how to react.
  • Key terms reinforce key points in the text and familiarize you with the language of nursing and health care.
  • Unique! Synthesis in Practice boxes tie case studies to appropriate theory, helping you gain insight into the how? and why? of nursing care.
  • Unique! Evaluation boxes provide you with a follow-up to case studies and help you relate the situation to actual practice.
  • Best Practice boxes relate how research can be applied to everyday practice.
  • Patient Teaching boxes instruct you how to best teach a patient about self-care.
  • Care of the Older Adult boxes highlight changes that occur with aging and how they affect delivery of nursing care.
  • Cultural Focus boxes alert you to care issues unique to people of specific cultural backgrounds.
  • Delegation coverage teaches you to delegate appropriately for comprehensive, safe patient care.
  • Key points summarize the most important information and act as a quick refresher tool.
  • Review questions prepare you for the NCLEX® examination.
  • Critical thinking exercises relate real scenarios to those you will encounter in clinicals and practice.

  • Chapter on evidence-based practice shows how to use research to achieve the best possible outcomes.
  • Chapter on informatics and documentation covers use of key resources and sets standards for understanding and updating the patient record.
  • Unique! Chapter case studies demonstrate how key nursing diagnoses affect specific patients.
  • Addresses the QSEN competencies for quality care and safe practice.
  • Unique! Concept maps make abstract processes clear and concrete.
  • Unique! Safety guidelines focus on safe and effective skills performance.
  • Skills are separated at the end of Clinical chapters to increase readability.

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