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30-Minute Social Media Marketing: Step-by-step Techniques to Spread the Word About Your Business

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30-Minute Social Media Marketing: Step-by-step Techniques to Spread the Word About Your Business 
oleh: Susan Gunelius
> Buku Impor » Economy

List Price :   Rp 192.500
Your Price :    Rp 173.250 (10% OFF)
Penerbit :    McGraw-Hill
ISBN :    0071743812
ISBN-13 :    9780071743815
Tgl Penerbitan :    2010-10-25
Bahasa :    English
Halaman :    272
Ukuran :    150x226x23 mm
Berat :    340 gram
Tag :    buku impor 3-2
Sinopsis Buku:

BIG PRESENCE isn't just for BIG COMPANIES anymore! A social media marketing handbook for small business owners on the go

Social media has opened the door to anyone who wants to promote themselves--including small businesses. Designed specifically for busy small business owners, this book puts you on the fast track to maximizing your business's visibility and generating profits—regardless of the size of your marketing budget or the time you have to devote to it.

30-Minute Social Media Marketing provides 22 short chapters packed with real-world examples, templates, sample marketing procedures, and screen shots taking you step-by-step through the essentials. With little time and effort, you will master the arts of:

  • Blogging and microblogging
  • Social networking and bookmarking
  • Audio and video
  • E-books and webinars
  • Direct and indirect marketing
  • Brand and relationship building
  • Word-of-mouth marketing
  • Expanding your reach and establishing your position
  • Integrating with traditional marketing
  • Evaluating results

By the end of the book, you will have completed a social-media marketing plan that produces real results and created a strategy for future marketing plans--all in just 30 minutes a day.

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