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Clinical Biochemistry: Metabolic and Clinical Aspects

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Clinical Biochemistry: Metabolic and Clinical Aspects 
oleh: William J. Marshall MA MSc PhD MBBS FRCP FRCPath FRCPEdin FIBiol, Stephen K. Bangert MA MB BChir MSc MBA FRCPath
> Buku Impor » Chemistry

List Price :   Rp 1.520.750
Your Price :    Rp 1.368.675 (10% OFF)
Penerbit :    Churchill Livingstone
ISBN :    0443101868
ISBN-13 :    9780443101861
Tgl Penerbitan :    2008-06-20
Bahasa :    English
Halaman :    996
Ukuran :    222x276x48 mm
Berat :    2699 gram
Tag :    buku impor 3-2
Sinopsis Buku:
Essential reading for candidates for the MRCPath examination and similar postgraduate examinations in clinical biochemistry. The book gives an overview of the acquisition of data, as well as concentrating on clinical aspects of the subject, giving detailed coverage of all conditions where clinical biochemistry is used in diagnosis and management. In common with other diagnostic specialties clinical biochemistry now uses an increasing number of techniques involving the 'new biology': these are covered in this book. It is also increasingly common for medically qualified clinical biochemists to become involved in the clinical management of patients (eg nutritional support) and material on this will be included.

  • Significant changes to content to reflect changes in how clinical chemistry services are organised and to reflect the advent of metabolic medicine as a recognised specialty.
  • Chapter on Clinical biochemistry of nutrition to include new information on regulation of appetite and the clinical management of obesity.
  • New chapter to bring together information on inborn errors of metabolism affecting adults.
  • New chapter on clinical biochemistry of cardiovascular disease.
  • The diabetes chapter has been split into two separate chapters to allow more detailed description of the practical clinical management of the disease.

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