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Changing Impossible to I'mposibble

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Changing Impossible to I'mposibble   
oleh: Victor Setiawan Taslim
> Pengembangan Diri & Motivasi » Motivasi
> Inspirasional & Spiritualitas » Inspirational

Penerbit :    Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Edisi :    Soft Cover
ISBN-13 :    9789792269536
Tgl Penerbitan :    2011-05-07
Bahasa :    English
Halaman :    156
Ukuran :    125x180x0 mm
Sinopsis Buku:
Changing Impossible to I'mpossible will be one of the most exciting reads in your life. Readers will travel an unending quest to self-mastery that is uniquely filled with Victor's personal anecdotes and experiences. Sahring his life's journey, Victor is not just telling his story for the sake of a story to be told, but to connect and relate with us about the similarities that we are all faced with every day. Changing Impossible to I'mpossible covers a whole different range of personal development skills. It starts from learning how to believe in ourselves, the importance of having a purpose in our life, effective study techniques, key attitudes to achieve success in our life, completed with finding our true purpose in life. Written by a successful teenager, this book relates very well with teenagers who want to achieve the most out of their life in a very special way. It is also magnificent book for parents who want to understand the basic needs and wants of their beloved children.

�Just read the first and last chapters of this book and you will immediately understand what I mean. The words �WELL GROUNDED� comes to mind. I highly recommend this book not only to teenagers and youths, but especially to parents.�
� James Gwee, Indonesia�s Favourite Seminar Speaker & Trainer

�This book is a brilliant book to motivate and boost the spirit of our teenagers � A must read book for teenagers, especially those who are dreaming of studying abroad!�
� Kak Seto, Komnas Perlindungan Anak

�It is definitely a �must-have�, �must-read� book with a �can do� and �will-do� motivating force for people who genuinely have the burning desire to succeed in life.�
� Dato� Lawrence Chan Kum Peng, CSP, International Training Consultant, Professional Speaker

�All his efforts toward his life�s successes are inspiring and enriching.�
� Anita Lie, Ed.D., Professor of Education, Widya Mandala Catholic University, Surabaya

�This book will inspire many people especially teenagers and also parents who want the best out of their children.�
� Prof Fatimah Hanima de. Sp. Kj(k), Psychiatrist for children and teenagers

�The right way, in a scholastic jargon, i.e �recta-ratio�, described by Victor as processes done in a hard- way, is a surest way to success.�
--Father Yohanes Robini O.P.

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