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Journeys of a Lifetime: 500 of the World's Greatest Trips

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Journeys of a Lifetime: 500 of the World's Greatest Trips 
oleh: National Geographic
> Buku Impor » Travel Guide

Penerbit :    National Geographic
Edisi :    Hard Cover
ISBN :    1426201257
ISBN-13 :    9781426201257
Tgl Penerbitan :    2007-10-16
Bahasa :    English
Halaman :    400
Ukuran :    300x229x36 mm
Tag :    buku impor 1
Sinopsis Buku:
No one knows the world like National Geographic�and in this lavish volume, we reveal our picks for the world's most fabulous journeys, along with helpful information for readers who want to try them out.

Compiled from the favorite trips of National Geographic's travel writers, Journeys of a Lifetime spans the globe to highlight the best of the world's most famous and lesser known sojourns. It presents an incredible diversity of possibilities, from ocean cruises around Antarctica to horse treks in the Andes. Every continent and every possible form of transport is covered.

A timely resource for the burgeoning ranks of active travelers who crave adventurous and far-flung trips, Journeys of a Lifetime provides scores of creative ideas: trekking the heights of Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania... mountain biking in Transylvania... driving through the scenic highlands of Scotland... or rolling through the outback on Australia's famous Ghan train... and dozens of other intriguing options all over the world.

Journeys of a Lifetime also features 22 fun Top 10 lists in all sorts of categories. What are the world's top 10 elevator rides, bridges to walk across, trolley rides, ancient highways, or underground walking adventures? Readers will love evaluating and debating the selections.

Each chapter showcases stunning photography, full-color maps, evocative text, and expert advice�including how to get there, when to visit, and how to make the most of the journey�all packaged in a luxurious oversize volume to treasure for years to come.

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