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National Geographic Ultimate Field Guide to Travel Photography (National Geographic Photography Field Guides)

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National Geographic Ultimate Field Guide to Travel Photography (National Geographic Photography Field Guides) 
oleh: Scott Stuckey
> Buku Impor » Travel Guide

Penerbit :    National Geographic
Edisi :    Paperback
ISBN :    1426205163
ISBN-13 :    9781426205163
Tgl Penerbitan :    2010-02-16
Bahasa :    English
Halaman :    160
Ukuran :    211x132x13 mm
Tag :    buku impor 1
Sinopsis Buku:
This superb practical guide to travel photography combines the best of all worlds: convenient size, comprehensive coverage, and useful, straightforward advice from the experts of National Geographic Traveler, the highest circulation magazine in its field. It�s the perfect "how-to" for anyone seeking to master the veteran photographer�s trademark skills: a strong sense of place; a swift, decisive eye; and a sure instinct for the dramatic scene.

Be it a weekend escape or far-flung adventure, every occasion promises the chance for a great photograph. Whether you�re after that once-in-a-lifetime shot or just want a vivid travelogue to share with friends, The Ultimate Field Guide to Travel Photography will help you achieve your goals. It explores such key genres of photography as panoramas, portraits, and creating a narrative in photographs. Always, the focus is on engaging your subject and working—often quickly—to get the best shots.

Chapters cover everything from inspiration and research to the practicalities of purchasing the right equipment. Practical information including checklists, essential contents of a camera bag, and other helpful resources are listed in the back. Designed especially for active travelers, the book fits easily in a backpack or pocket for handy access.

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