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One Earth, One Sky, One Humankind

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One Earth, One Sky, One Humankind 
Celebration of Unity in Diversity
oleh: Anand Krishna
> Inspirasional & Spiritualitas » Inspirational
> Pengembangan Diri & Motivasi » Motivasi

Penerbit :    Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Edisi :    Soft Cover
ISBN-13 :    9789792251265
Tgl Penerbitan :    2009-11-18
Bahasa :    English
Halaman :    136
Ukuran :    135x20x0 mm
Sinopsis Buku:
The present book is a valuable addition to the subject of religion, having been researched and written in a strictly scientific manner. The author has compiled authentic quotations directly from religious books and has left it to the reader himself to understand the crux of religion.
---Maulana Wahiduddin Khan, Founder Centre for Peace and Spirituality, New Delhi (India)

The word Tolerance should be banned from the English dictionary. In this day and age, we cannot teach our Children to just Tolerate each other. We must strive to Build a Culture of Harmony and Mutual Respect. This compilation is a step towards that. Kudos to Anandji for this effort.
---Bawa P. Jain , Secretary General World Council of Religious Leaders, New York (USA)

There are diverse views, traditions and terminologies in various religion denominations but certainly there is one converging point and common value i.e. religions speaks of for the good and wellbeing of all mankind, that what the theme of book wants to convey. Like the bee gathering honey from different flowers without harming them, the wise one sees only the good in all religions and accepts the essence of the truth of different teachings.
---Ven. Sanghasena Mahathera, Founder-President Mahabodhi International Meditation Centre, Leh Ladakh (India)

From this book we can learn what is essential for the integrity of religious belief: That we show deep, honest respect towards the faith of others. Their faith might not be my faith. But since I know that the Absolute that I adore in my faith is infinitely greater than my own understanding, I gladly and humbly acknowledge that God's Spirit embraces those of other faiths. Anand Krishna's book of prayers opens the spiritual experiences of very different religions. The prayers are different, but we easily feel in them the healing touch of what I believe is the saving God.
---Prof. Franz Magnis-Suseno SJ, Catholic Priest/Director Post Graduate Program, Driyarkara School of Philosophy, Jakarta (Indonesia)

Anand Krishna's insightful commentary to the prayers from many religious traditions powerfully exposes the readers to universality of the spirituality of all the religious traditions, which are equal path to peace.
---Prof. Geshe Ngawang Samten, Vice Chancellor Central University of Tibetan Studies, Sarnath (India)

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Tentang Pengarang:

Anand Krishna adalah pria keturunan India kelahiran Solo, Jawa Tengah, 1956. Pendidikan dasarnya dia peroleh di Lucknow, di Negara Bagian Uttar Pradesh, India. Sejak usia amat muda, melalui bimbingan ayahnya, dia sudah berkenalan dengan ajaran Shah Abdul Latief, seorang mistik sufi yang amat dia kagumi. Di samping itu, dia juga merupakan murid termuda dari Sheikh Baba, mistik sufi yang sehari - hari sebagai tukang penjual es balok. Dari Pasific Southern University, USA, dia mengantongi gelas MBA, dan dengan modal itu dia berkutat dalam dunia bisnis modern sebagai Marketing Director ( Sainath Group of Companies, Indonesia, 1979-1986), CEO (D`jar Inc., USA, 1986-1989) dan Director / Shareholder (Svarna Artha Interbuana, Jakarta, 1989 - 1991). [selengkapnya]

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