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Beyond Broders: Multi dimensions of the Indonesian Borders

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Beyond Broders: Multi dimensions of the Indonesian Borders 
oleh: Aswi Warman Adam
> Politik & Hukum » Kebangsaan

Penerbit :    Galang Press (K)
Edisi :    Soft Cover
ISBN-13 :    9789799873125
Tgl Penerbitan :    2009-08-00
Bahasa :    English
Halaman :    xvi + 274
Ukuran :    150x230x0 mm
Sinopsis Buku:
We live in a dynamic world where borders and frontiers are changing, not only internationally but also nationally. Indonesia used to have 27 provinces, now there are 33. New lines divining local goverment administration territories are generated and new zones of juridictions are born... God might not bless the maps men have created-- that is why new border lines keep creeping up on world maps...

... Negotiating martime boundries is by no means easy. With ten maritime neightbors - India, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietman, the pilipines, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Australia, and Timor Leste, the task is particularly complex for Indonesia...

.. It is necessary to enchance expertise in maritime boundaries, concerning legal, political, and technical aspects. It is undisputable that maritime boundary issues deal with law and politics. However, only few of us are aware how much technical aspects are involved. Not much news concers the importance of boundary point coordinates definitions using proper geodetic datum, for instance. No wonder, people tend to see maritime boundary issues only as a matter of law and politics...

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