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The Life of the Autistic Kid Who Never Gives Up

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The Life of the Autistic Kid Who Never Gives Up 
oleh: Oscar Yura Dompas
> Orang Tua & Keluarga » Hubungan Keluarga
> Kesehatan » Pengetahuan Kesehatan

Penerbit :    Tabora Media (K)
Edisi :    Soft Cover
ISBN-13 :    9789794530460
Bahasa :    English
Halaman :    168
Ukuran :    140x210x0 mm
Sinopsis Buku:
The unique little boy has become a unique young adult. He managed to get a university degree. He is now more self confident. Spreading his wings like an eagle, ready to fly into the universe, trying to find a "nest" of his own. He has become an example and inspiration for many other autistic children. They try hard to follow in his footsteps. Many parents find solace in the knowledge that there is always hope for their children.
Dr. Melly Budhiman, SpKJ- Chairwoman, the Autism Foundation of Indonesia.

I'm sure all autistics children parents are willing to pay at any price just to know what's inside the children's head. Now, it is so fortunate that we only have to spend so little money & time to explore an autistics child has in mind. Thanks Oscar, you may write this book for yourself, but it is us who actually take the advantage.
Farhan Lemas- TV Presenter

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