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The New Health Insurance Solution: How to Get Cheaper, Better Coverage Without a Traditional Employer Plan

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The New Health Insurance Solution: How to Get Cheaper, Better Coverage Without a Traditional Employer Plan 
oleh: Paul Zane Pilzer
> Buku Impor » Economy

Penerbit :    Wiley
Edisi :    Hard Cover
ISBN :    0471747157
ISBN-13 :    9780471747154
Tgl Penerbitan :    2005-08-09
Bahasa :    English
Halaman :    336
Ukuran :    0x0x0 mm
Tag :    buku impor
Sinopsis Buku:
You no longer need a traditional employer plan to get good, affordable health insurance. The New Health Insurance Solution can help you cut your health insurance costs in half if:
  • You're self-employed, an independent contractor, or your employer doesn't provide health insurance (you can probably get coverage on your own for about $94/month—a fraction of what an employer would have to pay for the same coverage)
  • You are employed and pay extra to cover your spouse or children under your employer-sponsored plan—you may save 50% by taking them off your employer plan
  • You own a small business and are getting killed by double-digit premium increases—you can now give employees tax-free money to buy their own plans and get your company out of the health insurance business

The book also explains in detail the best solutions for you if:

  • You can't find affordable health insurance because you or a child have an expensive preexisting medical problem (your state has a program to provide you with guaranteed coverage )
  • You're currently putting money into an IRA or a 401(k)—because you don't realize that an HSA is always a better option
  • You're unsure how you or your parents will be able to afford health insurance during retirement, or how to maximize benefits from Medicare—including the new Part D prescription drug plan

The New Health Insurance Solution is the definitive guide to the new ways every American can now get affordable health care—without an employer.

PAUL ZANE PILZER is a world-renowned economist, a former advisor in two White House administrations, an entrepreneur/employer, an award-winning adjunct professor at NYU, and a New York Times bestselling author.

Resensi Buku:

Tentang Pengarang:

Penulis Other Peoples Money dan Unlimited Wealth. Ia menerima gelar MBA dari Wharton, menjadi wakil presiden termuda Citibank, dan memegang jabatan sebagai penasihat ekonomi dalam masa pemerintahan dua presiden AS. Selain bekerja sebagai asisten profesor di New York University, ia juga menjadi editor lepas dua jurnal ekonomi, dan pernah menjadi komentator di CNN serta acara Marketplace di National Public Radio. Ia juga Pendiri dan Penerbit Zane Publishing, Inc., sebuah penerbit CD-ROM pendidikan internasional ternama. [selengkapnya]

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