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The McGraw-Hill Investor's Desk Reference

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The McGraw-Hill Investor's Desk Reference 
oleh: Ellie Williams
> Buku Impor » Economy

List Price :   Rp 412.353
Your Price :    Rp 371.118 (10% OFF)
Penerbit :    McGraw-Hill
Edisi :    Hard Cover
ISBN :    0071359451
ISBN-13 :    9780071359450
Tgl Penerbitan :    2000-10-19
Bahasa :    English
Halaman :    541
Ukuran :    0x0x0 mm
Tag :    buku impor 3
Sinopsis Buku:
The McGraw-Hill Investor’s Desk Reference is a book whose time has come. Compiling the up-to-date answers to virtually every important investment question—from “How do I invest online?” to “What is the difference between value and growth investing?”—this comprehensive guidebook puts today’s most important and frequently sought information at the fingertips of investors.

This one-of-a-kind, uniquely valuable reference book provides investors with:
*A complete dictionary of key terms
*Information on using the Internet as an all-purpose investment tool
*In-depth material on investment vehicles and styles
*An examination of key economic indicators
*Descriptions of international markets and exchanges
*Fascinating sections on key investment people and literature

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