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The Dale Carnegie Leadership Mastery Course: How To Challenge Yourself and Others To Greatness

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The Dale Carnegie Leadership Mastery Course: How To Challenge Yourself and Others To Greatness 
oleh: Dale Carnegie
> Buku Impor » Audio Books

Penerbit :    Nightingale-Conant
Edisi :    Audio CD
ISBN :    0743509374
ISBN-13 :    9780743509374
Tgl Penerbitan :    2001-01-09
Bahasa :    English
Ukuran :    0x0x0 mm
Tag :    buku impor 1a
Sinopsis Buku:
In a world quickly becoming more virtual, human relations skills are being lost -- along with the skill of leadership. When you develop your leadership ability through The Dale Carnegie Leadership Mastery Course you'll learn to be flexible, adaptable, and trustworthy, as well as a tough and decisive distributor of power. Learn all the secrets of leadership mastery:

* Gain the respect and admiration of others using little-known secrets of America's most successful leaders.

* Get family, friends, and coworkers to do what you ask because they want to do it, not because they have to.

* Respond effectively when under crisis using proven techniques for thinking clearly and reducing anxiety under pressure.

* Accomplish twice as much by learning to motivate others to perform at their best.

* Make powerful decisions and follow through on them using Carnegie's action formula.

A valuable tool that stands next to the classic How to Win Friends and Influence People, The Dale Carnegie Leadership Mastery Course offers a proven formula for success.

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Tentang Pengarang:

Dale Carnegie dilahirkan di Missouri, AS tahun 1888. Ia bersekolah di Warrensburg State Teachers College. Sebagai seorang �salesman� and aktor, ia sering melakukan perjalanan ke New York dan mulai mengajarkan tentang komunikasi di YMCA. Dale Carnegie Course yang sangat terkenal didirikan di tahun 1912. Pada tahun 1930, kursus Dale Carnegie ini telah diajarkan di berbagai tempat di AS.

Buku Dale Carnegie yang dikarangnya pada tahun 1036 �How to Win Friends and Influence People� adalah bestseller yang masih tetap dijadikan pedoman dimana-mana. [selengkapnya]
