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Dark Cosmos: In Search of Our Universe's Missing Mass and Energy

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Dark Cosmos: In Search of Our Universe's Missing Mass and Energy 
oleh: Dan Hooper
> Buku Impor » Biography, History & Current Affair

Penerbit :    Collins
Edisi :    Hard Cover
ISBN :    006113032X
ISBN-13 :    9780061130328
Tgl Penerbitan :    2006-01-12
Bahasa :    English
Halaman :    256
Ukuran :    0x0x0 mm
Tag :    buku impor
Sinopsis Buku:

The twentieth century was astonishing in all regards, shaking the foundations of practically every aspect of human life and thought, physics not least of all. Beginning with the publication of Albert Einstein's theory of relativity, through the wild revolution of quantum mechanics, and up until the physics of the modern day (including the astonishing revelation, in 1998, that the Universe is not only expanding, but doing so at an ever-quickening pace), much of what physicists have seen in our Universe suggests that much of our Universe is unseen—that we live in a dark cosmos.

Everyone knows that there are things no one can see—the air you're breathing, for example, or, to be more exotic, a black hole. But what everyone does not know is that what we can see—a book, a cat, or our planet—makes up only 5 percent of the Universe. The rest—fully 95 percent—is totally invisible to us; its presence discernible only by the weak effects it has on visible matter around it.

This invisible stuff comes in two varieties—dark matter and dark energy. One holds the Universe together, while the other tears it apart. What these forces really are has been a mystery for as long as anyone has suspected they were there, but the latest discoveries of experimental physics have brought us closer to that knowledge. Particle physicist Dan Hooper takes his readers, with wit, grace, and a keen knack for explaining the toughest ideas science has to offer, on a quest few would have ever expected: to discover what makes up our dark cosmos.

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