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Insects (Pocket Nature)

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Insects (Pocket Nature) 
oleh: George McGavin
> Buku Impor » Nature, Gardening & Ecology

Penerbit :    Dorling Kindersley Publishers Ltd
Edisi :    Paperback
ISBN :    1405305967
ISBN-13 :    9781405305969
Tgl Penerbitan :    2005-03-03
Bahasa :    English
Halaman :    224
Ukuran :    0x0x0 mm
Tag :    buku impor 1a
Sinopsis Buku:
Dorling Kindersly publishing is known for their beautiful and informative books, covering a huge range of topics, including science and nature. This DK insect handbook's lush photos and thorough information make it an excellent beginning resource for the insectophile. While not comprehensive enough to replace an entomology handbook, and not specific enough to be a perfect field guide, Insects rests comfortably in the handbook territory. Its sturdy binding and quick reference features make it a natural to take along on family outings. Each page is lavished with full-color photo layouts showing close-up detail of major insect and arachnid groups, and the accompanying text provides basic information on life cycles, ranges, special habits and features, and trivia. The author, George C. McGavin, is a respected entomologist specializing in insect ecology. For quick identification of major bugs and arachnids, as well as tips on how to observe terrestrial arthropods in nature, this handbook can't be beat. --Therese Littleton

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