Sinopsis Buku: Mia Thermopolis is your average urban ninth grader. Even though she lives in Greenwich Village with a single mom who is a semifamous painter, Mia still puts on her Doc Martens one at a time, and the most exciting things she ever dreams about are smacking lips with sexy senior Josh Richter, "six feet of unadulterated hotness," and passing Algebra I. Then Mia's dad comes to town, and drops a major bomb. Turns out he's not just a European politician as he's always lead her to believe, but actually the prince of a small country! And Mia, his only heir, is now considered the crown princess of Genovia! She doesn't even know how to begin to cope: "I am so NOT a princess.... You never saw anyone who looked less like a princess than I do. I mean, I have really bad hair... and... a really big mouth and no breasts and feet that look like skis." And if this news wasn't bad enough, Mia's mom has started dating her algebra teacher, the paparazzi is showing up at school, and she's in a huge fight with her best friend, Lilly. How much more can this reluctant Cinderella handle? Offbeat Mia will automatically win the heart of every teenage girl who's ever just wanted to fit in with as little fuss as possible. Debut author Meg Cabot's writing is silly and entertaining, with tons of pop culture references that will make teens feel right at home within her pages. This is a wonderfully wacky read. (Ages 12 and older) --Jennifer Hubert
Resensi Buku:
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| Tentang Pengarang:
 Meggin Patricia Cabot lahir di Bloomington, Indiana. Ketika masih kecil ia suka menghabiskan waktu di tempat ber-AC, yang waktu itu masih sedikit di Indiana bagian Selatan. Karena itulah ia betah berada di Monroe Country Public Library selama berjam-jam, membaca semua karya Jane Auste, Judy Blume, dan Barbara Cartland.
Setelah lulus dari Falkultas Kesenian Indiana University, ia pindah ke New York City, berniat merintis karier sebagai ilustrator freelance. Namun begitu sadar ia sangat suka menulis, ia segera meninggalkan kariernya itu dan mendapat pekerjaan sebagai asisten manajer asrama mahasiswa New York University. Ia menulis di akhir pekan dan di setiap saat atasannya tidak sedang mengawasinya. Sekarang ia menjadi penulis sepenuhnya.
Berbagai karya fiksi remaja dan ... [ selengkapnya]
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