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On Writing

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On Writing 
oleh: Stephen King
> Buku Impor » Fiction

Penerbit :    Pocket
Edisi :    Mass Market Paperback
ISBN :    0743455967
ISBN-13 :    9780743455961
Tgl Penerbitan :    2002-01-07
Bahasa :    English
Halaman :    320
Ukuran :    0x0x0 mm
Tag :    buku impor 1a
Sinopsis Buku:
Short and snappy as it is, Stephen King's On Writing really contains two books: a fondly sardonic autobiography and a tough-love lesson for aspiring novelists. The memoir is terrific stuff, a vivid description of how a writer grew out of a misbehaving kid. You're right there with the young author as he's tormented by poison ivy, gas-passing babysitters, uptight schoolmarms, and a laundry job nastier than Jack London's. It's a ripping yarn that casts a sharp light on his fiction. This was a child who dug Yvette Vickers from Attack of the Giant Leeches, not Sandra Dee. "I wanted monsters that ate whole cities, radioactive corpses that came out of the ocean and ate surfers, and girls in black bras who looked like trailer trash." But massive reading on all literary levels was a craving just as crucial, and soon King was the published author of "I Was a Teen-Age Graverobber." As a young adult raising a family in a trailer, King started a story inspired by his stint as a janitor cleaning a high-school girls locker room. He crumpled it up, but his writer wife retrieved it from the trash, and using her advice about the girl milieu and his own memories of two reviled teenage classmates who died young, he came up with Carrie. King gives us lots of revelations about his life and work. The kidnapper character in Misery, the mind-possessing monsters in The Tommyknockers, and the haunting of the blocked writer in The Shining symbolized his cocaine and booze addiction (overcome thanks to his wife's intervention, which he describes). "There's one novel, Cujo, that I barely remember writing."

King also evokes his college days and his recovery from the van crash that nearly killed him, but the focus is always on what it all means to the craft. He gives you a whole writer's "tool kit": a reading list, writing assignments, a corrected story, and nuts-and-bolts advice on dollars and cents, plot and character, the basic building block of the paragraph, and literary models. He shows what you can learn from H.P. Lovecraft's arcane vocabulary, Hemingway's leanness, Grisham's authenticity, Richard Dooling's artful obscenity, Jonathan Kellerman's sentence fragments. He explains why Hart's War is a great story marred by a tin ear for dialogue, and how Elmore Leonard's Be Cool could be the antidote.

King isn't just a writer, he's a true teacher. --Tim Appelo

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Tentang Pengarang:

Pria bernama lengkap Stephen Edwin King ini lahir tanggal 21 September 1947di Portland, Maine. Sebelum terkenal, King bekerja di pompa bensin dan binatu. Ia mendapat beasiswa di University of Maine pada tahun 1966 dan lulusan tahun 1970 serta memperoleh gelar Bachlelor of Science serta sertifikat untuk mengajar di SMU. Ia menikah dengan Tabitha Jane Spruce tanggal 2 Januari 1971 dan mengajar di Hampden Academy. Sejak buku pertamanya, Carrie, terbit tahun 1974, sudah 300 juta kopi bukunya terjual di seluruh dunia dan diterjemahkan dalam 33 bahasa. Bulan Juni 1999 King tertabrak mobil hingga paru-parunya terluka, tulang rusuknya patah, dan kakinya patah dibeberapa tempat. Setelah tiga minggu di rumah sakit, King baru bisa berjalan 9-12 bulan setelah kecelakaan. Kecelakaan ini pula yang ... [selengkapnya]

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