Sinopsis Buku: When Dr. Rennie Newton's jury duty on a case involving a contract killer ends in an acquittal for Ricky Lozada, her carefully composed and very private life begins to unravel. First, someone breaks into her house to leave her an anonymous dozen red roses. Then her colleague and one-time rival for the chief of surgery job is murdered in the parking lot of her hospital, which makes her a prime suspect, especially when the police learn that she's killed a man once before. None of that stops Detective Wick Threadgill from falling in love with her; unlike his partner, he's sure that Lozada, not Rennie, is behind Howell's murder. And it soon becomes clear that the killer is so obsessed with Rennie that he'll do anything to have her--including killing again. Brown, master of the romantic mystery, goes into darker territory here, but she handles it with her usual deftness and turns in a well-paced if not particularly heart-stopping thriller with the requisite happy ending for Rennie and Wick. --Jane Adams
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| Tentang Pengarang:
 Ia lahir tanggal 12 Juni 1948 di Waco, Texas. Sejak kecil ia sudah hobi membaca karena dorongan orangtuanya. Ia baru dua tahun di kuliah di Texas Christian University saat menikah dengan Michael Brown tahun 1968. Ia kemudian melanjutkan pendidikannya di Oklahoma State University dan University of Texas di Arlington. Tahun 1979, Sandra Brown dipecat dari pekerjaannya di perusahaan pembuat acara televisi dan ia memutuskan untuk mencoba menulis. Tahun 1981 novel pertamanya, Love Beyond Reason, pun terbit. Memasuki tahun 1990-an, karier Sandra Brown semakin cemerlang. Sandra Brown memiliki 3 buku dalam daftar New York Times bestseller tahun 1992, bahkan namanya disejajarkan dengan Stephen King, Tom Clancy, J.K.Rowling, dan Danielle Steel. [ selengkapnya]
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