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Long Time Coming

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Long Time Coming 
oleh: Sandra Brown
> Buku Impor » Fiction

Penerbit :    Bantam
Edisi :    Mass Market Paperback
ISBN :    0553589350
ISBN-13 :    9780553589351
Tgl Penerbitan :    2006-08-29
Bahasa :    English
Halaman :    208
Ukuran :    0x0x0 mm
Tag :    buku impor 1a
Sinopsis Buku:
In more than fifty New York Times bestselling novels, Sandra Brown has captivated her millions of readers with stories of charismatic love and tantalizing twists of fate. In this classic tale, a woman is reunited with the man she has loved for years—and must reveal the secret that will jeopardize her chance for happiness at last.

He arrived out of the blue—a flesh-and-blood phantom from the past in a sports car as sleek and sexy as Law Kincaid himself. The world-famous astronaut was as devastatingly attractive as the first time Marnie Hibbs had laid eyes on him, seventeen years before. But she well knew the perils of falling for a ladies’ man like Law. And this time she had someone besides herself to protect. Law is determined to discover who is sending him anonymous letters claiming he’d fathered a son he knows nothing about. Showing up at the Hibbs’s return address from the letters seemed like a step in the right direction. Marnie swears she isn’t the guilty party, but when Law meets her son, it’s like a one-two punch to his solar plexus. The boy is nearly the spitting image of Law. Law can’t remember sleeping with Marnie—then again, he can’t remember much about his crazy past. But there’s more to it than that: Marnie claims the boy isn’t biologically hers.

As the tension between them becomes unbearable and the attraction undeniable, Marnie is forced to reveal a long-held that might cause her to lose both the boy she loves more than anyone—and the man she desires more than anything.

From the Hardcover edition.

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Tentang Pengarang:

Ia lahir tanggal 12 Juni 1948 di Waco, Texas. Sejak kecil ia sudah hobi membaca karena dorongan orangtuanya. Ia baru dua tahun di kuliah di Texas Christian University saat menikah dengan Michael Brown tahun 1968. Ia kemudian melanjutkan pendidikannya di Oklahoma State University dan University of Texas di Arlington. Tahun 1979, Sandra Brown dipecat dari pekerjaannya di perusahaan pembuat acara televisi dan ia memutuskan untuk mencoba menulis. Tahun 1981 novel pertamanya, Love Beyond Reason, pun terbit. Memasuki tahun 1990-an, karier Sandra Brown semakin cemerlang. Sandra Brown memiliki 3 buku dalam daftar New York Times bestseller tahun 1992, bahkan namanya disejajarkan dengan Stephen King, Tom Clancy, J.K.Rowling, dan Danielle Steel. [selengkapnya]

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