Sinopsis Buku: Conspiracy theories--everybody has one. The difference with this conspiracy is that it's all too real. David Baldacci's The Camel Club takes readers inside the Beltway as four unlikely misfits struggle not only to survive, but to save their president and their country from a plot that will lead to nuclear disaster.
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 | Rp 115.000 Rp 97.750 Usually a sophisticated plotter, bestseller Baldacci (Absolute Power) offers a story line and villain on a par with an average James Bond film in ... [selengkapnya] |
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| Tentang Pengarang:
 David Baldacci lahir di Virginia, 1960. Hingga kini ia masih tinggal di sana. Setelah lulus sebagai sarjana ilmu politik dari Virginia Commonwealth University dan sarjana hukum dari University of Virginia, ia berpraktek hukum selama sembilan tahun di Washington,D.C. Selain menulis novel, ia juga menulis untuk berbagai media dan skenario film. Absolute Power telah difilmkan dengan bintang Clint Eastwooe dan Gene Hackman. [ selengkapnya]
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